

Hello Gorgeous
It was past midnight.
There was so much noise around us.
But you just stood there and you looked at me.
When I felt your gaze on me, I looked up right into your eyes. Most people would feel caught, but you didn't. You kept starring at me and I realized that your eyes are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The world around us stopped for a second, no noise, just you and me. I smiled. 'Who is this gorgeous man?' I thought. You smiled right back at me, as if you read my mind.

I know it is silly to believe you know someone the moment you meet them. But with you it was like my heart was trying to tell me: he is the one.
It's been a year and still this memory is burned in the back of my mind. I think about you everyday, hoping, once in a while you think about me too. ♥️