

Fire separator
James decided enough.is enough.He quit his education.He had heard enough of his stepfather's quarrels.He already was the best student in his class.
None appreciated nor motivated him.His strength wore out and he decided to give up on life.
He went to abide with his grandmother.He left the best school just to be admitted to a local high school.
His location was well known for brewing traditional beer.
As you guess he started drinking like the world would end any second.

Poor James.
He met a lady. Beautiful,humble and loving.
Every day he used to request her to give birth to a baby girl.

Finally the baby is born.
The mama loved the girl.Though he was poor and a drunkard he made sure to see his child daily.

Everything that tried to separate the girl and his father was hurt. His second wife whom he married later became jealous since he loved her daughter with the first wife.She committed suicide by burning her body with petrol.
One day James decided to change his lifestyle. He went to Chicago where his parents lived. He apologised and they agreed to take him to university. He was in high school in the local school.
He made sure by all means he communicated with his child.

His first wife was married Tommy.He tried to be a dad to Emmy but she knew her dad very well and that he had promised to come one day and take her where he lived.

Years still rolling. James still in touch with her daughter through her mother's phone.
There was an accident in which a lorry carrying petroleum crashed with bus. Greedy men ran for the petrol ignoring pains of the injured passengers. Unfortunately the engine was still on.
An ear-deafening explosion occurred. Tommy never lived to narrate his story.
Is this a coincidence?

"See you soon Mummy", was all Emmy could tell her mother. James loved his first wife very much but he just wanted to start a fresh life. He would wish to take her with him but still Jenny had another child,not his own.
James gave her all the respect due to her caring and loving spirit which she had while they were with him.
" I love you but I just need to start a new life",James said.
It was a painful word for him to mention.
With all the precious moments they had with her.For instance carrying him while he was drunk.

James graduated and later found a job.He married the lady he loved so much.Many ladies loved him but he chose her since she was the only one who loved his daughter.
This two ;father and daughter loved each other so much.
Why?they had a great story behind?
Why did fire separate anyone trying to get in between them?
Seriously,I will never know.Only mother nature could explain