

China Doll: 2
She smiled again, sadly. "Bye my china doll."
With that, she left.
He was suddenly all alone. Normally it wouldn't have bothered him by being alone, but something was off. Something just… didn't feel right.
Trying to shake the feeling, he started to eat the food his mother had given him.
It was cold and didn't taste good, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings when she came home and saw he hadn't eaten.
He heard children playing outside the apartment he lived in.
He rose and looked through the window and say two boys who looked about eight years old and one girl who looked about five years old where playing, kicking a ball round.
The girl looked up at unexpectedly, and smiled wildly and sweetly at him, waving. Not knowing what else to do, she smiled back, but without the smile, since he was too afraid to.
No one was supposed to see him.
That could cause a problem if people about… his condition.