

Dabi's Villain Rehab An MHA Fanfic Part 3
Homophobics leave.
The nightmare repeated itself, leaving me in a panicked state when I woke up again. Keigo steadied me as I shot up, my breathing rapid and beads of cold sweat gathered on my forehead,"Easy, patches." I trembled, temporarily confused before a feeling of dread filled my gut as I caught sight of the hero known as Present Mic. He stared at me in a way I didn't like or understand. I eyed him anxiously before turning back to Keigo. He gave me a sad smile,"You're safe with them." I shook my head nervously,"You- you don't know that for sure." He sighed, letting go off my shoulders,"I do know, because they've taken in two other kids." I turned away from them both, holding my knees to my chest,"I'd rather go to prison." The other answered loudly,"We wouldn't send you to prison even if you were of age! Aizawa believes you can change!" I winced at the sudden burst of his voice. An unmistakable dull voice sounded from the door,"Mic, you have to stay quiet around him. He's timid." I turned to glare at Erasure head. He turned out the door before calling over his shoulder at me,"If you don't come willingly, I can use my scarf." I looked up at Keigo again, mumbling,"Is running away still an option?" He chuckled, though I didn't find it the least bit funny. He quieted, leaning down to whisper in my ear softly,"Maybe once you decide if you like it there or not." I scooted away,"Decided. Now what floor are we on?" He got up to follow me to the window,"Third floor. Why?" I whispered to myself,"High enough, then." Mic, who'd been silently watching us burst into laughter. Looking out the window I spotted a familiar black hooded male with shaggy, blue hair. He was accompanied by the rest of the l.o.v as they stepped through the entrance.
An alarm blared throughout the school. I glanced at Keigo, who was staring at me. I noticed that Mic had left the room, most likely to join the fight. Keigo stepped in front of me," I can't let you leave, you know that right?" I stumbled over to the door anyways, eager to be away from the heroes. In a flash he was in front of me, his wings spread to cover the door. I crawled beneath his wings quickly, lighting part of the hallway on fire behind me so he couldn't follow. Regaining the ability to walk, I was able to begin sprinting down the hall dodging frantic students. Outside, I managed to avoid the heroes and make my way to the league. Shigaraki noticed me almost immediately, "Dabi?!" I didn't have time to answer before he continued,"You aren't supposed to be here, you're supposed to be in prison!" I lit my hand with the now purple flames, anger surgeing through me,"What?!" He stepped forward placing all five fingers on my arm. it took a moment for the pain to set in, but once it did it felt like my skin was being peeled off one tiny piece at a time. In fact I'm pretty sure that's what was happening. My screams caught the attention of nearby students and staff, including Present Mic. They took off back to the gate, a security malfunction preventing it from closing. Shigaraki mumbled something about ruined plans and a former member. My screams silented, tears pouring down my cheeks as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spent around quickly to find Erasure standing behind me. As he noticed my disintegrating arm, he winced as if he could feel the pain himself. Examining my surroundings a bit more, I could see the winged hero approaching. He caught side of my injury, hurrying over and picking me up. My eyes fluttered closed, as I watched my skin crumble away like dust.
When I was concious once more, I felt numb. Like everything I've worked for had come crashing down, and I realized that was exactly what had happened. I was back in the infirmary, Hawks and Aizawa sat in chairs beside me. I stared emptily at the white tiled ceiling. A feeling of abandonment spread through me, because now I knew that they hadn't forgotten me after all. A warm hand wrapped around mine, and I tugged it away. My movement alerted the heroes that I was awake once more. Hawks moved next to me on the cot, wrapping his arms around my body. I shoved him off quickly, rotating to lay on my side, facing away from them. Hawks squeaked,"Patches?" I ignored him, examining my bandadged arm. He pushed,"Patches, can you hear me?" I sat up before turning to glare at him. I watched them stare at me. Beginning to pick at the bandaging, Keigo grabbed my uninjured wrist,"Don't pick at it." I turned to shoot him an icy glare, but he just stared back sadly,"Are you okay?" I grumbled, turning to Erasure,"Let's go." He stared at me for a moment longer, before standing and walking out the door. I stood as well, stumbling. Keigo reached out, steadying my wobbly stance,"Careful." I got out of his touch, following behind Erasure silently with my head down. Every now and then, he would look back at me sadly. I ignored him, watching my feet. Eventually he stopped without me noticing, turning to stop me,"Alright kid, can you stop with the sappy attitude?! You're making me feel bad!" I winced at his outburst. Sighing, he apologized and turned to continue down the hall. I hung back a bit, lost in my own thoughts.
Suddenly, I was shoved to the ground. I stood quickly, turning to see who it had been only to find a UA student. He was about my height with smooth blonde hair and blue eyes, not as bright as mine. He laughed cruelly,"Oops. My bad!" I lit my hand with the purple flame, and a look of terror crossed his face - obviously fake - and yelled for a teacher. He only stopped when I extinguished my flame, just to turn and smirk at me. He ignited a similar flame of his own. Anger surged through me, before I come to figuring that this was my karma for harming all those innocent people. I stood defenseless, before Erasure made himself known once more by storming down the hall. "Monoma! Detention now, two days!" he yelled angrily. The boy I now knew as Monoma, glared and walked away. Then, Erasure met my empty gaze sadly,"Why didn't you stand up for yourself?" I shrugged slightly, averting his dark eyes.
Having finally made it to a small two story building on campus-separate from the school-the girl from before came crashing into me happily. I patted her head a few times, before taking in my surroundings. I noticed a very tall tree close by, and took advantage of it. I walked to it slowly, ignoring Erasure's questions as I did so. Gripping the rough surface, I skillfully hauled myself up to sit on the lowest branch. A head of black hair-followed by a blonde-appeared below me, looking up. Mic turned to the darkly dressed pro,"What's he doing?" An annoyed sigh was heard before he quipped back,"I don't know, why don't you ask him?!" I growled, climbing higher a few branches. Mic yelled up to me,"What are you doing?!" I shouted back sarcastically,"Writing a novel! What does it look like I'm doing stupid hero?!" He stared at me wide eyes while Erasure turned away snickering. I finished climbing, reaching the highest sturdy branch and leaned on it. A few moments of silence passed before Present Mic spoke again,"Alright, haha I'm stupid! Now get down here!" I shook my head curtly, lighting a small Violet flame on my finger tip and watched it dance from finger to finger in amusement. I thought of everyone I knew before my villain life. Shoto, Natsuo, Fuyumi, Mom, Endeavor, and Hawks. It was sad I only had one friend, but he had been all I needed. A single tear fell down my cheek, before I reignited the small flame.


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