

The story of North Star
Once there was a king, he had 2wives. Suruchi and Suniti. Both the queen have 1-1child.
Dhruva and Uttama. Dhruva was Suniti's son and was elder son,and Uttama was Suruchi’s son and was younger then Dhruva. as being the elder brother he was heir to throne and the kings favorite he loves sitting on his father's lap. but that made suruchi jealous because she wants his son would sit there.
Next day she forced Dhruva of the kings lap and forbade him to sit there ever. Dhruva was heartbroken he goes to his mother Suniti she said “God will punish evil people ” But Dhruva was not satisfied with that.
Next day he goes to the mountain to talk to god he stayed there for 3days but can't find god but when he was gonna back to the palace he met a man he said “If you pray for many years the god will be blessed and may meet you ” and suddenly the man disappear Then he prayed for years and years then god Narayana got very happy with his prayer and came to earth and came infront of Dhruva and asked him what do you want my child but he was so happy that he can't say anything , So god said I am pleased with you now I will give you an boon when you will die you will become a star pointing at north which will never move.

The End