

The Kaliyug's Sita.
In Treta-Yug, Rama's treasured wife Sita was abducted by the vicious Ravan. Revenge for his brute sister Shurpanaka's humiliation and Infatuation on Sita, willed him to ploy evil acts.
The maya golden deer fascinated her, which should not have been as it was the discrete cause to send her Ram away from her.
Our wholesome Sita was not in conscious that this would be for years.
Her humane heartstrings made her cross the Lakshman rekha and give offerings to Ravan who was in a sage form.
Finally ravan caught hold of her hand and took her away in his chariot.
When Jatayu came to her rescue , Ravan cut off his wings, and he fell down.
Sita's shout for her Ram echoed from every nook and corner of the world.
But sitas endeavor to escape from such an evil person went in vain.
She threw to the ground her jewels in hope that it aids her Ram in tracing her out.
Bona fide love in no way droops.
Beyond shadow of doubt, Ram was able to rescue the love of his life with many helping hands.
There was a distance of miles, heaps of pain and many vain tries.
Despite that, it did not Neither stop our Ram from going up to his Sita nor our Sita from giving up on her Ram.
This is the well known story to all.
Contemporarily, I depict a story of my kaliYug's known Sita who's Ram has been abducted by Shurpanaka plying her formidable maya.
The maya is such that Ram has forgotten his beloved Sita. He envisages Shurpanaka is his love of life. But, he is down and out with it, and he doesn't know why. Why he senses warmth and love filled at a look of Sita is not known as he is trapped in Shurpanaka's formidable maya. My known Sita is finding no other ways to reach her Ram, seeking no helping hands to fight for him.
She has emptied her heart from all desires and felicities of worldly pleasures so as to fill in only love for her Ram.
She is endeavouring to knock off her fear as it gives her bravery to fight.
She is trying to be out of the illusions of the world, as she wants to assimilate the love to be given to her Ram.
She is fighting against her anger so as to awaken her deliberation.
She is fighting against her possessiveness in order to awaken her strength and love.
She wants to let go of her ego to enhance her modesty and humility that will smoothen her way towards seeking her Ram.
She wants to dedicate completely in order to feel unbridged vindication of love for her Ram.
In essence, she was authoring every single attempt to purify herself in this love so as to offer it to the lotus feet of her Ram.
She hoped this would aid her in making her Ram to recognize his Sita.
This was our Kaliyug Sita's way of love.She has this profound love as a weapon and hope as a shield to win this combat.
How to inveigle her Ram that he has been trapped and his Sita is struggling tough to repossess him was a tedious puzzle.
She knew where her Ram was, but she is not able to reach him up to the time of Shurpanaka's guard.
How to unwind this Maya was an unanswered question which has been wrapped inside her from many years. Being courageous and with profuse of self-sacrifice, she is modeling a bridge to reach her Ram using a stone of pure love that she has towards him on a surface of hope that she has on the divine.
She is not ready to relinquish being inspired by our Treta- Yug's Ram and Sita.
Chanting their name and praying to them to be a strength of her fight, fills her with vehemence to make a headway.
In no matter what happen, she was minded to endeavor all the pains just to be with her Ram.
Even if there is a circumstance to search for her Ram in the whole universe, she was not to step back. She was ready to drown her life in her searching for him fearlessly, and there was no question of twisting back from her way.
She was on hand to do anything to gain her Ram back.
Because our Sita knew that, though Ram was captivated in maya of Shurpanaka and has forgotten her, he was so pure and profound in his thoughts. Only Sita can take the helm of the throne of his heart. The umpteen tries of Shurpanaka will surely fall flat.
But, Sita was to fight in order to make sure that her Ram is not indulging profusely in Shurpanaka's maya as it would make her journey tough. Our Sita was not scared though. She was ready to fight to any extent to save her Ram.
Even Though this separation enflamed her alive,
She held her trust in love at strong.
She knows most assuredly unjust act won't last for long, and one who fights against it will always seek God's help.
Good karma inevitably conquer bad.
True vision fight an illusion without a doubt.
Won't my kaliyuga's Sita possess her Ram back?