

A Life Story
Born in a small happy family, he grew up watching many things and changes in day to day life. Then came a time when he was a small boy sitting in front of the television, watching some men playing a game in two different coloured dresses, one was holding a bat and other with a ball. Then there came an uncle who made him understand the game of cricket where a team of 11 players representing their countries play with each other with one side as a batting team and the other as balling side. A question striked through him and he asked, so which are the two countries playing? To which his uncle replied, "Beta, the men in blue is our country India playing against the green coloured team Pakistan", that was the first ever cricket match he saw, the 2003 World Cup. 
So he had a dream, a desire inside him that one day he'll grow up to represent his country and make his country win a World Cup. With this dream inside him, he started playing cricket with his father and uncles. Time passed and boundaries changed from within the house to outside the house, from playing in footpaths to gully cricket to playing in grounds, the only thing that remained constant was the clock striking at 4 in the evening and all the friends getting down to play, forgetting about the bad day they had.
But there comes a time where one has to make choices to live a life, a choice that one needs to make for a better future. Maybe the dreams, the desires inside him didn't have that strong supporting pillars so he had to give up on it. A sacrifice he did, not for a living, but for the smiles and happiness of his family. Thoughts still run across his cerebrum thinking, had his dreams got that support which he needed, he could have made his family feel more proud and happier.