

Social Singnificance of Lenz Law

We as a student whatever the laws we had studied at our school level all had social contact.
Every proclamation of a great scientist is nothing unusual. Every scientist is the same as us. The thing that segregates them from us is their ability to visualize and discern things carefully. Likewise, Sir Lenz had given a statement and that statement became Law.
He says-An induced electromotive force (emf) always gives rise to a current whose magnetic field opposes the change in original magnetic flux.
Social significance:
To understand its social implication you need to understand his statement in the common saying.

General statement of Lenz law:

Whenever we try to bring some changes in anything by applying some external force. We always experience resistance. How miracle his statement is?
Now look around yourself and try to figure out the incidence when one tries to put his word in someone's mouth. Is it gone well, or there was some sort of resistance. Off-Course, there would be resistance.
It is human nature, we can't accept anything forcefully. We always show resistance to change. Our body shows resistance to change because it is not according to that situation.
Humans are not supposed to obey orders. Whenever they receive an order, then their mind start releasing electric signal which reminds them to question themselves " oh I have to do this" why? I don't want to do this.

You can think of a situation when you were given an order to do something. Have you done it cheerfully?


We humans do not accept anything as it is. We have a habit of interviewing things. Whenever we force to do anything initially, we show reticence.