

Episode 1:Robot
once upon a time there lived a boy named Robby,he lost his parents and he lived all alone.
19 years later he worked and trained himself to school in his school they were gangs of boys who always threatened to kill hi..
on his way going he saw two broken robots,then he took them home and fixed them, then the robot came to life and said
robot 1(blue): hi my new is blink
robot 2(white): hi my name is Jason
Robby: wow u can talk
Jason: of course we can talk
Robby : so were are you from
blink: we are from the space,our master through us from the space down to earth thats why u saw us broken
Jason: so can we be friends
robby: yes we can
So they became friends
One day robby put something on fire and forgot and the pot got on fire robby was looking for water to off it, suddenly blink use his water power to off it.
Robby: wow so you guys have powers
Blink: ye we have
Jason: we can't access our power
Robby: how
Blink: our master put something in us that can make us enter into some one, only then can the person access the powers
Robby: why
Jason: coz evil is about to come