

A Billionaire's Love ❤️ (Chapter - 6)
Naveen started meeting Meera on regular basis which she felt strange.

As days moves on, She too became a nice friend for Naveen.

But Naveen had other feelings for her but he hides from Meera

Meera is smart to find that he was in love but failed to understand that she is the one.

Using this love, Meera started teasing Naveen.

Now, Both became so close in each other's life

One day in cafe,they both met each other as usual. she started asking for his lover again and again.He got nervous and blabbered that, " you are my love!"

She didn't blink her eyes because of shock and kept her mouth open for sometime!!

The other peoples in the cafe are looking at her strangely.

Soon she came back to her senses, then asked him, " Are you trying to prank me!"

No, its a truth.I am in love with you and want to live with you till my last breath!!

But Meera clearly explained that, "I would love to be your friend but not as a life partner!"

Sorry, if I hurt you!!

Hey, No that's okay ......even I am blind and I am expecting something more than my limit!!

I know!! but I had expressed my feelings because of your Persuasion!!

No, Naveen!!
Its not the case, I didn't find any feelings on you!!

Its okay, Leave it!!

N: Bye, Meera!!

M: Hey, listen please

N: But He just left the cafe and walking on road with his tears for love brrakup without noticing the car

Watching this, Meera ran towards him to stop but before that he met with an accident!!

Meera called the ambulance and took him to hospital!!

Soon, he got admitted in hospital and treatment is going on!!

Meera informed about the accident to his friend Rahul.

He is arriving to the hospital

She is crying like anything and praying to God that, "Please save him God at any cause, because I am the only reason for his accident and he is really a good friend of mine whom I don't want to lose him till my last breath!"

What will happen next??❣️❣️❣️
Stay tuned guys!!❣️❣️❣️

© Fragrance