

Olympus: War-Chapter 7
Olympus: War

Chapter 7: The Battle in Tartarus

Zeus got to his feet and said: " It's been a very long time, Father." Then Cronus said back: "Indeed, it has been a long time, but I will make sure that you die since you send me to Tatarus. Luckily your dear brother, Hades rescued me from this horrible place."He then he looked at Hades and took the lightningbolt from him and gave it to Zeus and said:"I want this to be a fare fight. Now I will kill you with my own hands!!!" Hades then backed away from Cronus and Zeus. Just as he was going to join the battle outside, Ares arrived and then told him:"You're fighting me, Hades." Then Hades pulled out a sword out his bag and charged at Ares.
Zeus shot a few powerful lightningbolts at Cronus, but they all missed, because Cronus slowed time so that he could walk away from the bolts. Then Cronus charged at Zeus with a sword and just then Zeus charged at Cronus with his lightningbolt.
Meanwhile Poseiden was fighting the Hydra with Hercules.
Hercules Kept hitting the The Hydra with his sword and Poseiden was poking his trident in The Chest of The Hydra. Finally The Hydra died.
Hermes and Bellerophon was wrestling the Chimera.The Chimera was obviously faster than Bellerophon, but not nearly as fast as Hermes. Hermes grabbed hold of the Chimera and Bellerophon charged at the Chimera and then he cuts off the it's heads.
Perseus was fighting Medusa. Perseus used his shiny shield to see the reflection of Medusa. After a moment, he charged at her and grabbed her and finally stabbed her hundreds vof times with his sword.
Theseus was fighting the Minotaur. Theseus got a chance to get on the Minotaur's Back and stabbed him to death with his sword.
Hepuestus, Pan, Morpheus Chiron, The Centaurs, The Cyclopes were fighting the Giants and the dead. Hepuestus was slamming his hot hammer at the Giants and Pan was singing that made most of the Ghosts go away. Morpheus was making some Giants to sleep. Chiron and the other Centaurs shot arrows at the dead. The Cyclopes was hinting the Giants with thier fists.
Athena, Nemesis, Artemis and Apollo were fighting Cerberus. Athena used her sword to cut off the heads of Cerbeus. Nemesis was helping Athena by stabbing Cerberus in the legs with her sword. Apollo and Artemis was shoothing arrows at Cerberus with thier bows.

Zeus Kept hitting Cronus with his lightningbolt, but it had zero effect on him. Cronus was a fast healer. He could control time and made his injuries heal faster. Cronus stabbed Zeus in his left shoulder with a sword.

Zeus then took out a blue rock out his pocket and smashed it. Then he, The Other Gods,(except for Hades)Hercules, Perceus, Theseus, Bellerophon, Chiron, Centaur and the Cyclopes disappeared from the Underworld and and reappeared on Olympus.

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