

Chapter Twenty-two

Lana's P.O.V

"I'm going to kill him."Nathan said.
"Yeah, but the last time you tried to do that you almost died."I said.
"Wait! you've tried to kill him and didn't succeed!?"Mandy asked in dis-belief.
"He was only there to save me."I said.
"Why?"She asked.
"I was kidnapped."I said.
"You! almost killed yourself to save a human?"She asked.
"She's never had a proper mate before."Nathan said to me.
"Hello! I'm still here!"She said.
"I know"Nathan said.
"We need to find this guy and kill him."She said.
"He's not on his own, he's got like ten or more guys."I said.
"So why can't he do something on his own?"She asked.
"He's just a human and you are Vampires it's pretty obvious he's gonna need backup"I said.
"Seems weak to me."She said.
"I'm gonna go and drink my blood now."Nathan said.
"You hav'nt had any?"I asked.
"I am supposed to drink it today, before I start craving for you."He said.

Before Nathan could walk away someone threw something inside the room making a really thick gas spread. It smelled sweet. But I could hear Nathan and Mandy coughing.

"Camilla."Mandy said.

I tried looking around but it was no use.

"Hey Lana."Someone said.


"W-What have you done?"I asked.
"What I've always wanted to do, I'm gonna kill them but I'm gonna kill your boyfriend right in front of your face."He said.

He hit me in the head. I passed out.When I woke up I was tied up in a chair. seriously this again haven't they learned there lesson. I looked up and I saw Nathan he was chained up in front of me. His eyes where closed and his head was down. We were in a small room thats shaped like a square. The door opened and Alex walked in, he had a wooden stake in his hand.

"Finally you're awake."He said.
"What are you doing with that?"I asked.
"What do you think?"He asked walking over to Nathan.
"Don't hurt him!"I yelled.
"And what are you gonna do about it? I've told you before, you are weak!"He said.
"No..I'm not."
"Yeah sure keep telling yourself that. Now that his family has moved and his sister, brother and niece and driver are all tied up in another room. Don't worry I didn't forget about Candy. Who's gonna come and save you Now?"He asked.

He stabbed Nathan in the stomach and he screamed in pain.

"STOP!"I yelled.
"Try and stop me."He said stabbing him again."I was gonna kill him that night, but my hand slipped and the stake went here"He said stabbing Nathan in his chest close to his heart.

Nathan screamed in pain again this time his eyes turned red and his fangs grew.

"But it won't slip again."Alex said holding the stake over his chest where his heart was.
"Don't do it."I said.
"I won't kill him now. You didn't just think I was gonna kill all the vampires and let you go right. I heard him complaining that he was thirsty earlier and well you are about to be the only human in the room. Lets see if He loves you or just wants your blood."He said.

He pulled the chains and Nathan fell to the floor. Alex stabbed him in the back before he could get up then he walked out of the room shutting the door.

"Nathan?"I asked.

He groaned.

"We need to get out of here."I said.
"I....know..."He said.

He slowly got up.

"There's no escape."He said.
"How's that?"I asked.
"This whole room is made out of Camilla"He said.

He untied me.

"You said it was used as a Cage so how did Alex bring you here?"I asked
"I think that when it's used as a gas it can make us faint or something but when it's used as dust it can trapped us. I don't know how human do those things."He said.
"Ok, So the room is trapped you can't get out but I can. If the door wasn't locked."I said.

I walked over to it and try to open it.

"Its no use."I said.
"Lana, I'm really really thirsty"he said sounding really worried.
"I know, That's why we gotta get out of here."I told him.
"Ok I'll try and not focused on you then."He said looking away.

The door opened and Alex pulled me out then he closed it.

"Forgot to do somthing."He said.

He grabbed my arm and took out a knife from his back pocket and cut me.


I grabbed my arm away from him.

"Sorry Lana,but if I want him to kill you I need you bleeding. But since this is the last time I'm ever gonna see you again."He said. He pulled me close and gave a kiss then shoved me back in the room closing the door.

"Lana?"Nathan asked.
"Is that......Your blood?"He moved over to me really fast grabbing my arm.

He licked my arm tasting my blood.

"I forgot how sweet human blood is"he said smiling.
"Nathan Stop."
"But I want more."He said

My heart was now beating really fast and that gave me an idea I hugged him.

"What are you doing?"He asked.

I heard his heartbeat again.

"I just heard your heartbeat again."I said.
"Which means you don't want to hurt me, down under your thirst you still love me."I said.

He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry."He said.
"We really need to get out of here..... And I have the perfect idea."

I tiptoe to try and reach his ear but he lift me instead.

"We need to pretend that you killed me so Alex would open the door then you'd just run out with me."I whispered in his ear.
"Ok."he said putting me.
"Lana? oh no. What have I done."Nathan said.
"Finally."Alex said opening the door.

Nathan quickly grabbed me and ran out.

"Now we need to get the others."I said.

We were in that house again, the same house that Alex brought me when he kidnapped me. We found a room and went inside that's where everyone was.But we where surrounded. There where two men with wooden stakes.

"Lana could you please free them?"Nathan asked.
"What are you gonna do?"I asked him.
"Well I'm thirsty and it just so happens that these two are humans he said."

He kissed me on the cheek.

"Ugh! that sent you are burning those cloths too when we get back home."He said.

He ran off I couldn't see a thing but there was blood splattering men screaming and I heard bones crackling. I didn't pay this much attention and went ahead and started freeing my friends.When we all walked out of the room, Nathan's cloths was bloody and the floor.

"So he gets to drink people but I can't!"Sophie complained.
"Sophie complain later, we need to go."I said.
"No, we need to kill all of them."Mandy said.
"Its the only way to stop them."Mark said.
"Oh just wait until I get my hands on Alex, he's gonna be sorry for the day he decided to be friends with me."Candy said.
"I'll bring Lana to the exit and you guys can go and kill them"Sebastian said.
"No, she stays with me."Nathan said.
"No she can come with me."Mark said.
"I want her."Candy said.
"What going on?"I asked.
"Your blood."Nathan said.

He took me and ran off. He search the whole house nobody was inside not even Alex.

"I guess he chickened out."Nathan said.
"Can we please leave now, I don't like this place."I said.
"ok"He said.

We went back to the others.

"They are not here"Nathan said.
"They couldn't have gone far."Mandy said.
"Lets just leave"Candy said.

We all went to the exit, but when we walked outside if the door that's where all of them was.There where lots of men outside with wooden stakes including Alex.

"We are trapped, we are inside a circle of Camilla if we want to escape we are gonna have to kill them"Nathan said.

Some of the men with stakes started running over to us and all the Vampires rushed after them except Nathan. He pulled me back inside the house.

"I need you to run away far from here as far as possible, if you need me just scream my name and I'll be there."He said.
"I don't want to leave you here."I said.
"I'll be fine, I've fought and killed humans before."He said.
"Not ones with something that can kill you."I said.
"I'll be fine I promise"He said.
"I am not leaving."I said.
"Just stay in here, No matter what happens or happens to me. Do not get out of this place until I come for you or one of the others. If Sophie mistakenly attacks you tell her about her mother."He said.
"Well.. that's harsh."I said.
"And if any of the hunter's come in here scream"He said.
"Why?"I asked.
"Just hearing you scream makes a trigger to killing someone who's hurting you."He said.
"Ok, I'll wait here."I said.
"Don't be stubborn Lana."He said.
"I promise"I said.

He walked out. I peeked outside through the window. Most of the men where dying and some of the vampires where getting stabbed. Nathan was heading straight for Alex but some of the men tried to tackle him. He was right about Sophie she was out of control, she was so fast I could hardly see her. If I had to guess I'd say she's killed about three men in one minute in counting. Candy and Mark where working together like the couple they are watching out and protecting each other. Mandy was also trying to go after Alex but she was getting tackled too. Sebastian was fighting most of the men but they stabbed him once and I guess that made him angry. After really long minutes of fighting there where men ripped apart and all there organs just left out. I'm seeing parts of the human body that I didn't think I'd ever see in real life. Soon most of Alex's men where dead and tore apart. Nathan finally got the chance to go after Alex but his sister jumped infront him trying to kill him herself but she got stabbed instead.

Nathan's P.O.V

"You son of a b*tch!"I said.
"I'm only here for one mission."He said.
"Mission impossible?"I asked him.

He scoffed.

"Do you know how many times I could have killed you? if only Lana wasn't so innocent and kind."I said.
"Sounds like she wants me."He said.
"Are you guys planning on fighting or are you gonna have a freaking renunin?"Mandy asked slowly getting up.

Alex took the stake and quickly stabbed her in her heart.She yelled really loud in pain I watched as my sister fell to the ground remembering the day my parents told me about Aby. The day I got so angry the only thing I wanted to do was kill. I grabbed him by the throat holding him up in the air.

"You've already killed one of my sister's and now you come and kill the other one."I yelled.

I squeezed down on his neck.

"And now I can kill you, the last hunter."I said.

I grabbed his arm breaking his bone. He just yelled in pain.

"Do you know what it feels like being stabbed in the stomach with a wooden stake?"I asked him. I took the stake away from him and stabbed him in his stomach he yelled.

"I would do it again but why should I kill a useless human like a Vampire?"I asked.

I dropped him before he ran out of air to breathe, he started catching his breath.

"Quit calling my girlfriend weak when you are useless."I said.

Lanas P.O.V

What are they talking about? The rest of the vampires came back to the house.

"Ok, Nathan's gonna kill him now so let's just leave."Candy said.
"I haven't had so much fun before in my life."Sophie said."Can we do it again?"She asked.
"No!"Yelled everyone.

I looked back at Nathan and Alex. I played close attention to Alex he was reaching for a stake. Oh no! Nathan.

"Nathan look out!"I yelled.

Nathan turned around looking at me and Alex stabbed him in his heart, Nathan quickly turned around grabbed his head and twisted it.

"NATHAN!"I yelled with years in my eyes.

He fell down.

I ran over to him.

"Nathan please don't die."I said.

I placed his head on my lap.

"Its ok."He said smiling at me.
"No it's not, I need you. You can't leave me."I said. I was crying.
"You'll....always...have me.......I'll always be with you."He said
"I can't, live without you."I said.
"I love you."He said.

He closed his eyes.

"No,No! Nathan wake up."I said.
"We need to go Lana."Candy said.
"Lana, the sun's coming up and pretty soon somebody's gonna come here."She said pulling me up.
"But we can't leave him here."I said.
"Yeah obviously."Mark said trying to hold back his tears.

Sophie was crying. She ran away.

"Sophie!"Sebastian yelled chasing after her.
"We need to bring back the both of them. Mom and dad are not gonna be happy about this."Mark said.

Candy hugged him.

"Mark? It's ok for you to cry."She said.
"Wait!"Mark said.

He moved away from Candy and walked over to Nathan.

"He's alive."He said.
"What?"I asked.

Mark looked at where Nathan got stabbed.

"He didn't get stabbed in his heart he got stabbed beside it but the stake touched his heart."He said.
"So he's still alive?"I asked.
"That what I said. He's between two stages life and death."He said.
"So he could die?"I asked.
"That's impossible, have you seen this guy. I'll give him a week before he wakes up."Mark said
"So he's fighting?"I asked.
"Yeah."He said.

I didn't loose him, he's still here.
