

*PART 17*

("A Love Story Unfolds)

They were in a relationship, but Seza was finding it hard to trust and love Artav. Artav didn't spare any effort to prove that "not all boys are the same." He was doing everything to make Seza happy and earn her trust. Seeing his immense effort, Seza began to feel that maybe he was different from the others, and she could trust him. It had been a week since they were able to spend much time together due to their tight schedules and busy work. They hardly had time to talk in class, and after school, they would get so tired that during phone conversations, they would unknowingly fall asleep within 20 minutes of talking.
One afternoon, a teacher formed a group of five students to work on a project about nature, and Seza and Artav were in the same group. The teacher asked Artav to present his opinion on the topic as he was the most intelligent among them. The chance encounter was brief, and Seza couldn't remember what he talked about. All she could recall was how delicate and graceful his hands were as he gestured while speaking. The sound of his voice was so pleasing, and his almond-shaped eyes would light up when he laughed. There was a flush of crimson on his damp lips and a healthy glow on his smooth face. His scent was heavenly, as if an invisible bouquet of flowers surrounded him. The way his shiny black hair moved when he turned his head fascinated her. He was the cutest boy she had ever met. When they parted that afternoon, her heart ached as if they were separated forever. She felt that he was something she must treasure.
It had been a month since they had been in a relationship, but nothing seemed interesting. They both felt that their relationship was only in name. They decided to spend more time in the park during the weekend. When the weekend arrived, they chilled in the park, talked a lot, and discovered they had many things in common. They enjoyed each other's company, sharing their past moments and laughing together. Seza had not yet confessed anything to Artav about her happiness or comfort in the relationship. Artav really wanted to know if she was happy, so he asked her to confess. Yet Seza lacked the courage to tell him how she felt about him.
But in the end, with red-blushed cheeks, nervousness, and shyness, Seza took Artav's hand and confessed her feelings. Artav looked deep into her eyes as if searching for the truth in her words. Without a word, Artav took her hand and kissed it. Then, she looked down and whispered that she was afraid. She had been in love before, but this time, it was deeper and more serious, and she didn't know what to do. She was afraid of losing him. Artav gently lifted her face, and in the dawn's light, he saw the worry in her misty eyes. He drew her closer, and for the first time, Artav put his arms around her. He felt the warmth of her firm body and the tight embrace of her arms around his back. Seza looked up at Artav again with a smile. Artav slowly closed his eyes and leaned in, touching his lips to her soft, gentle lips, and they kissed for the very first time. It was the sweetest, most passionate, and romantic kiss she could ever remember.
Artav was a cultured, decent, and respectful guy. Every girl dreamt of a guy like him. Artav belonged to an orthodox Hindu family where rituals and beliefs were top priorities, making him a devoted and cultured individual. Seza shared details about Artav with her mom, as she was very close to her. Artav also shared information about Seza with his mom. Both families were happy to know about their relationship, as they were well-acquainted with each other even before their children's relationship. Their parents were supportive of their relationship.
Artav frequently visited Seza's house and had become a beloved member of her family. Seza's mom often invited him for tea and lunch. Artav had become like a son to them. Whenever there were functions or occasions at Seza's house, Artav was always included because they considered him a part of their family. Seza's dad loved Artav's nature, way of speaking, and his personality. He was thrilled that his daughter was connected to a guy like him. Seza's family could see positive changes in her due to Artav.
Not only her family but also their neighbors and relatives knew about Artav. In Artav's house, his mom liked Seza very much and often invited her over. Due to their schedules, Seza couldn't go, but Artav's mother would call her, inquiring about her health and studies.
Artav and Seza's relationship was unbreakable. They trusted each other completely, understood and respected their relationship. They were in an open relationship without any fear or complications.