

Origami Thoughts

#Origamithoughts #PositiveGuide

I really feel different right now, I can feel all the hormonal changes in me happening rushing to my heart at once.
but I always feel this shutdowns on me.
something I can't explain.
something I called as Origami thoughts.
it's like I'm one today, something I've to change on, but also at the another day I feel completely abnormal.
I always prime my happiness, but at the other side I feel prioritising might be a trouble, a pressure.
I can't really explain my thoughts well, this piece of my mind is been a constant thought.
yes, this constant thought in me,
is a dynamic thing.
I'm productive I think so.
but at the same time I feel like empty.

so much thoughts and only emptiness.
we humans are very capable so much capable that, we frame ideas and we frame results in our own head and jump on conclusions even without working on.

life is hectic, it's like I almost made grow flowers in my heart and now it's grown over I watered it and nurtured it a lot with my own thoughts and expectations now the flowers are so beautiful and vast.
yes the vast thing on my heart suffocates.

can you understand that feeling?
can you?

Origami, I never did one.
but I really love seeing it.
peoples who do that, are really cute and aimful in life 😂
I mean I saw them and they are so focused on life, whatever happens their 102% in on that little white paper of origami.

it's cool.

But I wanted it to say it in another way.
Origami Thoughts, I used for my own references, I mean my own thoughts of reflection.

it once build up and then damages like a paper fallen in autumn water.
it crushes and they fade apart without a trace.
beauty of it, you can make new origami thoughts again.

I've too many thoughts, I can't never be filled but I can be empty.
how controversy.

I feel free too much or nothing at all.
I feel confusion all the time period.

notable point : healthy confusions.

let's say I'll be fine as soon as I upcome challenges in my life.

it just a mind doodle of mine.
and I really hope...
I'll alright, it's not about sorting out to a point, none can know a point as life is changing variable, it changes it's form all time.
I just hope, there's is a place I feel like a Stop, or else let me create one.

With thousands of origami thoughts I believe for the few hardcore thoughts to get done in reality.
and I'm here working for it, effortlessly and happily.
let's take this life of making goal this time a little pressureless and foreceless but with mild happiness and joy.

© Hazel