

The Science Between Arts
Chapter 3- Beer Bottle Guy

Copyright © A_adewumi. All Rights Reserved.

Ryan blushed deeply each time Liv said something relating to his cliche look. He shyly folded his hands on his laps, looking down at his long fingers. His red hair longer at the front but cropped short at the back,kept falling over his face which he pushed back each time it did.

"You look like Archie." Liv, or Olivia Chelsey, is from Sussex in England. She's definitely how I imagined a live British person to look like. First from her dyed blood red hair, to the dark brown contact lenses she took out to reveal mystifying blue eyes, to the rose tattoo on her lower back and four other she promised to show me, and just how she looked.

The accent was there, thick and obvious with each word she said. "Only instead of Veronica and Betty, you could have Jughead and whom?..."

She placed her manicured finger on her lips, there definitely has been some sort of fillers in there. "Do you read Archie comics, MacKenzie dear?"

I froze, awkwardly laughing as the attention shifted to me. "No." I squeaked out, clearing my throat soon after. "No, I don't. I don't like comic books in general."

She pursed her lips, which was really hard to do because her lips were big, like really full. "What a party pooper. What about you, Ryan."

"W-What about me what?" He rushed out.

She rolled her eyes. "Do you read comics? No just Archie, but others. They range from Marvel comics to you know, others. Only I read Archie only."

Ryan opened his mouth, ready to dull down Liv's enthusiasm over comics even though she looked uninterested. But, Liv raised her mainucred finger to silence him, the long artificial nail was a long way from her finger itself.

Her voice vibrated on the nightstand, 'Intentions' by Justin Bieber played after each buzz the phone made. She gingerly held her IPhone X plus in her hands, the three cameras mocking Ray and I.

"Hold on a sec." She said, answering the call soon after, not even waiting for out reply. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, the phone placed on her ears.

"She has a lot of piercing." Ryan whispered, his hands gesturing to 'lot' he mentioned. I laughed quietly, glancing between Liv and Ryan. "She looks like a partier."

"What was your first clue, the clothes or piercing?" I replied sarcastically. He smiled, rolling his eyes at my statement. "It's obvious."

"Don't judg-" The door was slammed open, five people walking into the room , immediately making theirselves comfortable.

"Livs!" Someone hollered, a beer bottle in his hand. "Wanna drink with us?"

Ryan looked just as uncomfortable as I was, only he was bidding it better than me. "Isn't it morning?"

Seven pairs if eyes turned to look at me, Ryan's widening in shock at me even talking. "Who's the poop?"

Beer bottle said, his sandy blond hair falling on his shoulders as he took a large chug of his beer before laughing. "She looks like a nanny."

The rest of the group laughed. "Don't be mean you guys. This is my new roomate... What's your name again, love?"

Ryan's frown might be deeper than mine but my shock was larger than his. I couldnt believe I was talking to someone who didn't even know my name at all. "Mackenzie. You mentioned it earlier, I didn't know you had the brain cell of a goldfish."

Ryan snickered beside me, he was the only person who heard my snide comment.

"What happened to miss Bitchy McBitchyton?" A guy who had his arms over a short girls shoulder said, they both leaned on the wall. Well the girl leaned on the guy, and they were obviously grinding each other.

"Problems. Keep up Ivan." His girlfriend scolded.

"So, Mackenzie. Can I call You Mackie? I'm going to call you Mackie, that's your name now." Beer bottle guy said, he walked to me."You're coming with us."

"Why?" Ryan spoke up beside me. Everyone looked at him, suddenly realizing he was there in the first place.

"Would you look at that, the fa-" Ryan stormed out, his fist clenching in anger.

"That's what I thought. Now, Mackie. You're coming to an afternoon party with us, whether you want to or not." These people were obviously toxic.

I wanted to refuse hut judging by the sick glint on the beer bottle guy, they could make my life a mess. So I do what was right at that time, making a sensible choice so I won't possibly die.

"Okay." I whispered.


That's chapter three. The number of votes I get will influence my updates.
So vote! vote! vote!
It'll be easier to get the next update if you follow, but if you know you can get it either way, fine by me.
Comment! That helps me shape up the next chapter, to know if you liked it or not.

So 15 votes equals Chapter 4.

*Don't even think about copying my book for any reason because I will find out, I will hunt you down and I will sue you for everything you have.
Don't think becayse you're far away doesn't mean I won't know, I will find out.

*I'm not a professional writer, so there will mostly be spelling errors, maybe a bit of punctuation or something.

That should be it.

Bye for now