

Fake Love
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a party afterall and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek.
"The poor had no right to celebrate" Anna said as she walked back to her tiny apartment feeling frustrated and angry inside,
"I should have cursed at the stupid driver,I mean,is blind?"she asked feeling more frustrated.
"Well I guess fate never wanted me to attend the party in the first place{sigh's}I should call Beth to inform her about this disaster"She said as she dials Beth's number.
"Hey bestie!! Like where are you?you are missing out on all the fun!"she said loudly.
"Yeah about that I won't able to make it there today"I said
"What!!!! why what happened?? are you ok??, should I come over?"she asked at once
"No no am fine just that on my way out an idiot splashed some dirty water on my dress,and you know I don't have much clothes"I said
"Say no more am on my way now"She said and hung up before I could even speak.
"Well that's Beth being Beth I think"I said as I chuckled softly.
Beth and I have been friends since childhood,she has always been there for me,she was there when Mom died and she was there when dad left me all alone at the age of Sixteen,her family owns half of the town but that didn't change her,she still remained the same Beth I grew up with.Few minutes later someone knocked at my door,went to check and found out that it was Beth
"I bought you some few clothes,the them on and tell me what you think"she said
"Oh Beth you shouldn't have"I said
"Nonsense,you are my friend and I can't sit and fold my arms when I know I can help {sigh's } Now your highness,try them on"she said as I picked them up one by one to try them
"I love this one,it brings out your beautiful body figure"She said
"Really?"I asked
"Yes of course, would I lie to you?{pause }Now sit down here let me give you a make-over" she said as I sat down, sometimes I feel sad not being able to return all the favor Beth has done for me,I just hope nothing separate us.
"All done{sigh's deeply}Now we are ready" she said happily as she dragged me out of the house into her fancy car parked outside and zoomed off.
At the party we were having so much fun, everything was going fine until Beth went to get us a drink,I was standing close to a door when suddenly the door opened and I almost fell.
"Are you ok?"A guy asked
"Am fine"I replied turning to see a guy who is a little bit older than me from his looks.
"Thank God,be more careful next time ok!"
"I will, thanks"I said
"You are welcome {pause}Are you here alone?"he asked
"No I actually came with a friend,she just went to get us drinks"I said
"That's cool,am Alex by name"he said as he brings out his hand for a handshake
"Am Anna"I said as we shook hands
"You live around cause I haven't seen you before?" he asked
"Yeah my place is not that far from here"I said
"That's good to know{smiles}I would love to see you some other time if you don't mind"he said
"But you don't know me,how would you know am not a serial killer?"I asked and we both brust out laughing.
"I can tell from your eyes that you are none{pause}and if you were to be one,I wouldn't mind being your victim"he said
"Hmm I like your confidence"I said
Thanks{he said as he brings out his phone} if you don't mind I lost my number can I have yours?"he asked and I smiled as I put in my number
"I'll see you around Anna"he said and left,few minutes later Beth came back with our drinks
"What took you so long?"I asked
" Sorry I was stolen by an handsome guy{blushes}you need to see him,he's like a demi-god" she said and I couldn't stop laughing
"What about you,I saw a guy just waking away,looks like you've got yourself a man huh?"she said
"It's not like that,it was just a friendly chat"I said
"Did he ask you out on a date?"she asked
"No he just took my number"I said
"So much for a friendly chat huh?"she giggled
"What about you and your new boyfriend?"I asked
"Oh he's ok"she said
"When am I going to see him?"I asked
"Chill mom {laughs softly} you will see him soon,he's coming to town tomorrow so I will fix a date for you to meet him"she said
"That's ok"I said as I smiled.
Little did I know what fate had in store for us both,Beth did book a date for the three of us,when I got there I was surprised to see that it was that guy from the party the other day,he didn't seem to recognize me but I did,when Beth got up to use the bathroom I confronted him.
"Alex right?" I asked
"Yeah have we met?"he asked
"Am Anna the girl from the party the other day remember?"I said
"Anna Anna{thinks for a while} sorry I can't remember you"he said
"You are just pretending,I know you remember me"I said
"We chatted on Whatsapp yesterday"I said still trying to convince him.
"Am sorry maybe you have the wrong person"he said and just then Beth walked in
"So what were you guys talking about?"she asked
"Nothing actually,your friend here was just making a compliment about how lovely we will make as a couple"he lied it was at that point I knew for sure he knows me
"Yeah Beth can I see you outside for a bit?"I asked but Alex found a way to make her stay,I felt angry,he doesn't love her,I bet he's after her money like the rest,but I won't let him hurt her.

The End for this chapter, like, comment and share for the next, thank you for reading.

© silver