

"And in 1990"Once upon a Mama... Once upon a daughter... Ep11
Aduke welcomed her daughter in 1990.

Abímbólá was so happy that she has a grand child. She named her Doyin.

Meanwhile, Aduke was worried about having a child and Abímbólá was excited to have a granddaughter.

She cherished Doyin so much. Wherever she is, you will see her with her granddaughter.

However, this is a relief for Aduke who used the opportunity to study hard and register again for her to gain an admission into Oyo state school of nursing, and this time, she made it. She got admitted into the school in 1992.

Doyin grew to be a bright and brilliant girl and Abímbólá can't just do without her granddaughter.

Aduke finished her study in 1995.

However, Abímbólá want Aduke to get married, she want to see more of her grandchildren. Aduke really tried her best to make each relationship work, but she wasn't lucky.

After series of heart breaks, she decide to focus on her beautiful daughter and her work.

Aduke is now a nurse in University College Hospital, Ibadan. Abímbólá live with Aduke and her daughter in Ibadan.

Abímbólá took care of Doyin and gives even more attention to her than she ever need.

Ever since she started her primary education till she completed her secondary school education, Abímbólá stayed with her, but now It's 2007, Doyin is 17 year old and she just gain an admission into the University of Ilorin.

Abímbólá want Doyin to stay in Ibadan, "University of Ibadan Is okay." She said, but Aduke want her daughter to be in University of Ilorin, and now, Aduke is happy she did.

Abímbólá was worried but Aduke told her not to be disturbed since she had introduced Doyin to a lectural and one another staff. This is the reason Abímbólá stopped worrying about Doyin.

Aduke laughs at her mother's attitude towards Doyin and told her when Doyin left, "Now it's me and you... Pamper me like you pamper your granddaughter..." She laughs, "I'm your daughter too." Aduke told her mother who ignores her.

"She is my baby, you are older than her." Abímbólá replied.

Sometimes, Abímbólá will come to Ilorin to check on her granddaughter, the truth is Doyin also miss her grandmother... Her grandmother is very interesting.

During the holidays and school breaks, Doyin will come back to Ibadan.
Doyin is studying statistics at the University.

It's 2011, Doyin had finished her study in the University of Ilorin. Abímbólá, James and Aduke were so happy, Family members and well-wishers were around to celebrate her.

When it's time for her to serve, She was posted to Lagos State, After leaving the Orientation camp, she have to go to where she was posted to.

"But, why Lagos for God sake?" Abímbólá complained.

"So you want her to stay here with you?" Aduke asked.

Doyin watched the two women as they argued... She is used to their dramas and it's always interesting.
"They should have post her here that is what I'm saying." Abímbólá replied.
"Ilorin to Ibadan? You should be thankful... What if it's in the far north... What will you do?" Aduke said to Abímbólá.
"Stop!... Ha!... Stop!... I'm complaining about Lagos and you are talking about the north." Abímbólá answered her.

"You both really need to stop arguing..." Doyin said to them.

Aduke and Abímbólá turn to her.

"Yes... Because I'm not complaining... I like Lagos." Doyin said.

Aduke laugh at her mother. "You see... God bless you my dear." She said.
"Who did you know in Lagos?" Abímbólá asked.

Doyin smiled "I have numbers of friends and families in Lagos so you don't have to worry." She said.

"Don't tell me that... We are living in a dangerous world... You can't just trust yourself to anyone and...what about the distance to your workplace, I understand you but did you think about that?" Abímbólá said.

Aduke is tired of her mother's anxiety so she asked, "So what should we do?"
"Don't you know anyone she can stay with in Lagos? I think that will be better." Abímbólá asked.

"The distance also matters here, I have friends, and you know... families over there but the truth is the distance... We need to think about the distance of her working place to where she lives." Aduke said to Abímbólá.

Doyin leave the two women as she walk into her room.

"I don't know... I just want her to stay with someone... I don't want her to live alone." Abímbólá said.

Aduke told her she will work on it.

Aduke had a friend who is also a nurse at University College Hospital, Ibadan, her name is Funmi.

Aduke told Funmi about Doyin, and that she need a place for her to stay that wouldn't be far from where she is to serve.

Actually, Funmi has a friend in Lagos whose house is close to where Doyin was posted to. Funmi called her friend in Lagos, Titi and told her, she want her friend's daughter to stay with her just for her to complete her national youth service.

Titi told her she is comfortable with it and she can come over. Aduke and Titi talk for sometime also on phone and at the end of their conversation, Aduke thanked Titi for her kindness.

The truth is, Titi is a very nice woman who is so passionate about helping other people, she can do anything to help but she is a very dramatic and interesting woman.

Abímbólá was glad that they finally find a place for Doyin. Funmi gave Titi's phone number to Aduke and when Aduke got home she called her again to thank her, Abímbólá thanked her and Doyin.

Abímbólá make sure Doyin isn't lacking a thing when she was leaving. She followed her to the car park as she has been doing everytime Doyin is traveling.

The driver start the vehicle, It's time for Doyin to leave.

To be continued...

Photo credit: dreamstime.com
© Anu Ola