

i am here to let it all out
i ain't any story writer...last i wrote a whole illustration or paragraphs was when i was in 12th
altho it hasn't been much longer when i passed 12th n i pretty much got admission in the clg i wanted obviously not in the clg my parents wanted tho but after several arguements n beatings i think everyone has made peace with me n my life..i guess so
it's just that i try really hard every day to become a better version of myself then i was yesterday but i don't feel it...sometimes i am like "why even bother" or "what good has it ever done to me"
nowadays i feel more like "if i were to not exist tomorrow would anyone even give a fuck...would it even matter...my existence effects none so y would my absence effect anyone u knw"
n it's not like i don't try to make frnds n keep up with them...i do...i try really hard n give my best bt mostttt tbh almost all r kinda blood sucking leeches who care abt me whenever they need me after dat no fucks given...dat is also fine..i guess...m good just alone uk...perhaps it's better? i dunno
i try portraying a tough person u knw like someone who knows whats going on in her life bt in reality m juz as lost as the boat with richard parker n pi from life of pi uk...
i guess i feel my problem is i don't really have anyone who is willing to listen to me u knw...i mean i have many who r willing to give nonsense bina mangi advice, many who wants to suck the soul out of u not in a good way, many who r juz waiting to screw me n yea some who r genuinely good bt doesn't give fucks abt me so yea.. world is ready to make me listen n blabber shit in my ears bt no one really wants to hear my blabber...
i hope u find someone who wants to hear ut blabber n if u have found one...grab 'em hard n never let go 😄👍
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