

Ada only concept about marriage is everlasting happiness, no difficulty, no differences, no misunderstanding. She always thought marriage to be great thing. "The union of my husband and myself is going to be the best" she said to herself. whenever she sees married people having challenges or misunderstanding she always thought they don't know how to handle marriage or live together with each other. She has a very unrealistic concept about marriage. This is one of her conversations with her friends "when we get married, he will be serving me breakfast on bed, cook at times when I'm mentally down, pamper me like an egg, always have sex when I wish, settle all my bills and absolutely stress free marriage". Hmm, if marriage was like this we won't be having broken homes today. It could really work for you if you have such a husband that can sign such agreement. She has become very desperate and obsessed about marriage, thinking marriage will solve all her life problems. Whenever she attends marriage ceremony, she always have this spirit that her own wedding and marriage will be better than that of everyone else. whenever she meets a man the first thing that comes to her mind is marriage. And she always thought she has the best behaviour that any average man can easily adapt with.
Finally she got engaged and was preparing for marriage. Funnily enough, hubby gave her all acceptance until two(2) weeks in their marriage, every one has nothing to hide any more, it was then She realized that marriage is a good thing but it requires a huge amount of maturity in order to dwell together with your partner. All her expectations were cut off. Her husband will wake and leave for work without even waking her, the man has told her to get busy with something so she could be supportive, financially. He doesn't kiss or hug, highly enticed with work. some days he comes back from work at the middle of the night.
and blame it on traffic congestion. at times, Ada always have this feelings that her husband is been unfaithful but didn't know how to approach him. The marriage got so bad that she has to seek for counsel from wise married people who had to couch her on how to live with a man and be happy.
We shouldn't put all our lives hope in marriage but build something that will make the marriage work.

Someone can't be the source of your happiness, create the happiness yourself.

marriage won't solve all our lives problems, we should have something doing with our time before getting married.

williness is not enough, readiness is important.

Marriage is good when the both parties are are matured.

To be successful, you need a mentor.

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