

It was one hot afternoon when my father and I were in the farm. He was one of the actualised farmers in Zabugu, our village. As part of his achievement, he was given the rare opportunity to act as the central advicer to the chief of the area. He also act as a councilor to all for free. He was guided by the believe that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others especially those who are disadvantaged. Because of this, his life was full of service to humanity. We had just finished clearing the piece of land that we left over the previous day. So we decided to plant ourselves under the mangoe tree which was situated at the center of the farm. He cleared his throat and began to tell me what he termed as the "fuel" that will take me through my life as a young man. "My son", he started. "I want to let you know some certain simple things that will guide you as you grow up as a young man. As young as you are, there are certain things that you will need them most in your journey to old age".
As my father said this I remembered what Socrates said about listening to the aged. ''I like listening to the aged because they have been on a journey that we may embark one day". This throbbed into my ears so I listened more attentively. " My son", he continued. The first thing you need to understand and beware of is the society you come from. Remember the fire that cook the food is also what makes the cooking pot dark. We all come from a society making us who our societies are. But for different societies, we all would have had almost everything in common. Before you can become successful, you need to get ride of the fact that people hate you. Yes my son, it is true that some people will not like you but you don't need everyone to like you to succeed in life. My son, learn a lesson from the pig. It is hated by a whole religion but that not withstanding, it continues to grow fat every day. When ever it seems like everyone likes you, that is the very time you need to pause and ask yourself some questions.
As he speaks, I listened with rapt attention. I didn't want to interrupt with questions to cut off the bunch of wisdom he was pouring on me.

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