

Make me your fantasy (Chapter 1)

© Esh's library

Like every night wake up to the noise of my mother coming at home around midnight as usual with someone she had met before at the club or the bar. They walked past my room thinking that I'm asleep but little did they know that I'm wide awake knowing what possibly is going to happen and most if not all the times it results into them having sex. Because my bedroom is right next to my mother's the sound is pretty audible and every night i sware to myself that im never going to be a part of this crazy ride and would probably would never end up having sex in my life but boy was I wrong.
     My name is Jack short for Jackson i live with my single step mother. My mom passed away at the time of my birth and dad married this woman soon after. We never got along but I was a shy kid i never got along with anyone really. My Dad was a fantastic man. Took me fishing and we sang songs together. Told me stories about mom and always taught me to be kind. After i turned 16 that's two years ago he died and now I live with my step mom who never ended up marrying anyone after his death. She is a very careless human being but I knew she loved dad and his death affected her as much as it affected me.  After he was gone she started to work at the bar to provide for me and her but soon realized it takes up a lot of money to run a house hold and started to sleep with men for money. We come from a poor background hence i don't really judge her for that.  Sometimes she enjoys her self and I'm often curious as to just what does it make you feel for you to groan and moan in each other's embrace. 
        Curiosity has gotten the best of me sometimes and I've tried to peek into the room but then have discarded the thought immediately.
     I work at a coffee shop after school and often am made fun of by the fellow students about my mother's job and mine too sometimes. We can still barely afford my tuitions and hence i cannot complain our both's jobs and I've never let the opinions of others drag me down or make me respect my step mom any less.
      I hoped one day i would be able to sustain a good life for her and myself.
        The next day i got ready for school and waved my mother good bye. She usually heads to the bar around 4pm and I get home at 6pm so we barely get anytime to meet each other except for the Sundays.
       When i entered school today something seemed off. Like there a buzz going on around school. Apparently there were new exchange students infact twins had come to learn to this hell hole. A girl and a boy i suppose from what I can hear from the rumors.
      The males of these school were like blood hounds for females and would have been already gone crazy over this exchange student. Well for the guy I feel sad about cause there are not many girls in the school that would make a bee line for him as the girl population is pretty less in this school.
       I entered in the classroom where the students were filling in and i took the most isolated seat as possible. The Exchange twins entered and i was utterly gob smacked. They were gorgeous. They were from Italy and had a very thick accent. Both looked almost the same yet so different at the same time. Beautiful hazel eyes and deep brown hair. Enzo and Gianna were their names which were as beautiful as them. As predicted all the boys were already ready to pounce on Gianna but to my surprise a lot of girls were interested into Enzo too, well who wouldn't. As they took seats the very popular cheerleader of the school was appointed to show them around.
              As the bell rang for this class i made a beeline to the rest room. Making my way through numerous couples making out. What does a person has to do to take a piss here. As i finished the job i received a text from my boss at the coffee shop that they needed to shut down early today cause of the pest control work. I was relieved to hear that as I got barely any free time on my hands.
            Unlike any other teenager I make my way directly in the direction of my home. Its was 4 already by the time i reached home and I figured that maybe mom had left for work already. I take my keys out and step into the house I see mom and another wonan sprawled on the couch kissing each other deeply. I was confused of how would a woman could please a woman but looking at them peeked my interest. I didn't make an attempt this time to resist my urges as I take cover and watch intently. 
             Mom slowly kissed the woman down her neck and near her naked breasts and slowly moved downwards near her thighs. She placed her mouth in between the legs and gently placed her tongue on the woman's vagina. She gasps and clutched the sheets beneath her and let out a moan. Mom added her digits into her womanhood and the other lady was lost in pleasure, moaning uncontrollably as mom speeded up the fingering. Both their naked bodied cuddled together as the lady is getting closer to her orgasm. She let out a deep moan and shattered into a hundred pieces as she received her orgasm. She them fliped them and gently placed her hands and started rubbing my mother's vagina slowly and gently. Making her beg for the release. But she just kept on going slow.  Her agonizing touch made my mother more and more desperate.
       I was in total shock. I had myself developed a boner and still to date am completely ashamed about but boy they were so good. I was a person who had never watched porn in their life so some of those things are new to me.  As i saw this in front of me I cant help but lower my hand into my pant as I start stroking my manhood faster and faster as the lady is fingering mother. Im so close and I know she is too. She arches her back and throws her head back dissolving into the pleasure that just engulfed her and I let go getting my orgasm for the first time in my life, little did I know my life will never be the same again.