

talking to my friend angel
"do you think what I did was bad?" I asked my friend sitting besides me. we were on a bed

my bed to be precise.

"no I don't think so" said my friend, with a shrug.

"it's just I felt like what I did was wrong" I said remembering the event.

I was minding my own business in a coffee shop, when all of a sudden, I saw my crush josh and my friend jasmine talking together.

I thought that was a little strange.

but then the most outrageous thing happened!

I saw jasmine kiss josh on the cheek and then I saw him blushing.

know that wasn't right!

and am pretty sure I precisely told jasmine that I liked this guy!

I was so outraged, that I took my coffee and walked straight over there table and spilled all my coffee over jasmine.

let's just say she wasn't happy.

"then what you did was wrong"said angel, playing with her nails.

"but I also think what I did was right" I said, holding her shoulder and shacking her a little.

angel looked at me blankly and then said,

"well than you were right"

I just looked at her.

"you know, your really no help" I said, stairing at my friend.

angel was very pretty, with blue eyes, long shiny platinum hair and a cute bottom nose on her little face.

it's just she didn't really have any opinions or reasoning.

which didn't really give her many friends.

"did you talk to jasmine?" asked angel, playing with her nails.

"no, unfortunately I didn't"

well you can't exactly blame me. I was so outraged!

after I spilled the coffee on jasmine, I ran out of the shop.

so I didn't really have a chance to talk to her.

and besides that only happened yesterday.

the only reason angel's in my room right now is because I wanted to tell someone about it.

even though I know I wasn't really gonna get a response from her.

"I'm hungry" said angel, rubbing her belly.

know that I think about it, I was hungry too.

the first thing I did this morning was call angel over.

"I'll go get something for us downstairs"

I got off the bed and went out the room, and there I headed downstairs and into the kitchen.

I couldn't cook, so luckily for me there was cake in the fridge.

I took the cake two forks and headed upstairs and went into my room.

"kate, oh my" said angel, eyeing the cake like it was the most deliciousess thing in the world.

I guess she really like cakes.

"cake person?" I said, walking to the bed and putting the cake on it.

and just to be precise it's a whole chocolate cake.

"I am?, I don't think so though, do you think I am?"

am not even gonna answer that.

"let's just enjoy this cake" I said, giving angel a fork.

I took my fork in my hand, and took a big sloop of the chocolate cake.

and let me tell you this, it tested wonderful.

"delicious isn't it" I said, hoping I could get a real answer out of her.

"I guess so" she said, eating the cake like it was the most deliciousess thing in the world.

oh well what was I expecting from her.

"so angel how's it going with your family?"

"I don't know"

"nothing's obnormal?"

"I don't think so"

"oh okay" I said, taking a skoop of the cake.

you see angel's family isn't really the most normalest of families.

there all hippies, wild people.

well maybe not axactly wild people,but you know nature people. people that dedicate there lives to nature and mother nature. they just go were life takes them.

maybe that's why angel turned out the way she turned out.

oh well, I love angel no matter what, even if that means she doesn't really contribute to a conversation.

the end.

© gabbi