

Women in paiñ is à women without cage.🌼
Pain is that makes you learn.
Pain is that makes you focus.
No matter it's a pain of loosing your close one or soul mate or anyone's who's more important to you or close to your heart.
No matter it's a paiñ of cramps or a paiñ of birth.
Paiñ gives you pleasure.
Paiñ gives you spirit.
No matter it's a paiñ of wouñd or a critical infection.
No matter it's a paiñ of trauma or it's a paiñ of suture.
Paiñ gives you hope.
Paiñ gives you focus.
No matter it's a pain of funeral or it's a paiñ of accident.
No matter it's a paiñ of deletiñg or ignoring someone's by breakups or getting seperated.
Pain gives you self love.
Pain makes you more independent.
No matter it's a paiñ of relationship cage.
No matter it's a paiñ of parental cage.
Paiñ makes you stronger.
Paiñ gives you confidence to fly independent.
No matter you loose in compitive exams.
No matter you loose a beneficial deal in entrepreneurship.
Pain will make you Learn.
Pain gives you hope.
