

Just some questions I want to know

1. Does our existence truly matter?
-Regarding our existence, I am of the belief that it might not hold significance. It seems that our actions lack inherent meaning, especially when we consider the vastness of the universe with its countless galaxies. This perspective often leads me to ponder whether we truly impact the universe. While nihilism is challenging to fully embrace, I find myself questioning why I care about others if nothing holds meaning. Such thoughts create internal conflicts. I am generally law-abiding, but witnessing others defy societal norms raises concerns about safeguarding our future generations. The notion of nihilism emerged organically within me, influenced in part by Johan Liebert's philosophy (an anime character). This philosophy questions the purpose of my efforts if everything is transient. If my loved ones will eventually depart, is there value in attaching myself to them? Even if I live believing that everything matters, my contributions may still fade into insignificance over time. For instance, creating a gadget for self-defense could eventually be misused. In this scenario, my absence would mean the gadget wouldn't exist and lives might be saved. Additionally, our contributions might matter only within our world and civilization. Once we're gone, these contributions may dissolve into nothingness.

2. How can I cultivate self-love and cease self-criticism?
-Paradoxically, I harbor strong self-loathing. This leads me to question how to develop self-love and cease my self-critical tendencies. I also grapple with the feeling that my mind doesn't align with my physical form.

3. Does a higher power truly exist?
-My personal belief encompasses a divine entity, with respect for all religions. However, I wrestle with the existence of evil amidst divine creation. Why do some individuals turn to malevolence? I find it challenging to reconcile the suffering of innocents in natural and human-made disasters with the idea of a benevolent deity. The notion of retribution seems incongruent with the notion of a compassionate god. I yearn for enlightenment to prevent the cycle of suffering.

4. How does one confront criticism?
5. How should one respond to yelling?
-I am a highly sensitive individual, susceptible to overwhelming sounds, abrupt events, and bright lights. This sensitivity extends to instances of yelling, irrespective of whether it's warranted. Such experiences terrify me and undermine my self-esteem, often triggering social anxiety.

6. How can I trust and communicate effectively with others?
-Despite being surrounded by kind individuals, I struggle to build trust and establish effective communication.

7. How can I overcome social anxiety?
-My prior experiences have instilled a fear of practicing social skills. While I understand the importance of practice, my apprehensions are steeped in past mistakes.

8. How can one express themselves adeptly?
-My family, friends, and teachers enjoy expressive freedom, yet I often feel inhibited. I'm uncertain how to articulate myself in various situations due to a history of negative associations.

9. Does embracing Nihilism preclude trust, morals, values, and equality?
-I'm unsure whether I align with Nihilism, but I do uphold values, morals, and equality. Trusting others remains a complex endeavor, influenced by my unique philosophy.

10. How can I achieve coherence and minimize contradictions?
-'My individuality is unparalleled. While my body may resemble others', my distinct brain harbors unrivaled potential. I envision achieving something remarkable, deterring comparisons with others. It's preferable to gauge my progress against past versions rather than external standards. Hearing 'everyone goes through it' can be irksome. Though shared experiences exist, individual perceptions differ. While I understand the intent behind such statements, they inadvertently minimize my struggles. I intend to navigate life by detaching from these comparisons, recognizing the oneness within diversity. Some may endure greater hardships, yet my own suffering remains valid. Overcoming this mindset is a challenge among the many contradictions I face.

11. How can one lead a joyous and purposeful life?


Note-I anticipate applicable insights that align with my inherent values, which I plan to adopt to enhance my happiness and purpose,I want to ask some more questions but I have reached the limit.
Thank you for your assistance.