

Addictive Affair
Write a narrative on the term "Life becomes meaningless unless"
He was having the time of his life, young just finished school and was ready to explore the world.
He had a little bit of money but felt that he could make it a million. He was a willing person that started man hood in High School, during the last years of school he went to work in a neighboring town and his Employer fell in love with him and spoil him rotten. Now he finished school he wanted to go back and see his Boss.
When he got to the town he went to visit his friend Elon and his Wife Jackie before he went to check his ex boss. she was thrilled to see him, came running to him shouting "My son My son I miss you darling, come here." Then she hug him and added "This is my Husband" pointing to Mr Elliotts who already was briefed on who they were whilst they approached said hello then they started talking about the work he did for his wife till it was late then Mrs Elliotts proposed that they go out later to celebrate his Return and Mr Elliotts agreed, she also asked if he would be staying at there house, he answered " if it's not too much trouble and Mr Elliotts agreed again unknowingly to the plans of his wife. Later they went to their favourite spot to lime at night, this was where he met Krystal the first time. when they got there Krystal spots Denny and memories came Rush through her head, she approached and said "hey stranger" Denny was stunned and said"Hey beautiful, how you bin", then gave her a hug. When they were going Krystal ask if he wants to chill later on till dawn since they have some catching up to do, Denny Agrees and then Mrs Elliotts said you can borrow the Jeep just incase in rains. she also invited Krystal to lunch the next day. then Elon took home Mrs Elliotts and her husband. Krystal and Denny then went to Mrs Elliotts favourite spot on the beach where they would make love for hours, they talked about life and what they missed out on in each others life then start making passionate love until daylight was upon them, He then asked her to spend the rest of the day with him and Krystal agreed and they went home to Mrs and Mr Elliotts place when they got there Krystal Showered and went to bed but Denny was still and saw Mrs Elliotts passing in her see through dress, heading to the Guess Room looking him in the eyes as if to follow her, so he did. when got to the door Mrs Elliotts grabbed him and pulled him in and looked the door, she started licking his body sucking on anything fitting her mouth. she long for his touch and was waiting for the right moment to release her feelings. After Mrs Elliotts and Denny went to prepare lunch as they use to before he went home.
Months passed and Mrs Elliotts and Denny was still having their Affair under Mr Elliotts and Krystal noses. they pick the right timing to make love mostly when Mr Elliotts is on business and Krystal was at work. sometimes they would sneak of to their favourite spot on the beach to make love. Mrs Elliotts started to get distant from her husband and Denny got distant from Krystal which made Mr Elliotts and Krystal get more close to one another.
one day while he was taking her home,she asked if he would check out some of her ideas in business, for they had a lot in common with each other. he agreed and they went inside and straight to her room. After discussing business, Krystal and Mr Elliotts felt drawn to each other and Kissed Passionately and after made sweet love, all evening till she was ready for work. They made Love several times after and started there own affair.
One night she messaged him while Mrs Elliotts and Denny was in the kitchen cleaning up, He went into the room and made love to her while Denny and Mrs Elliotts were in the Kitchen doing their own thing. when Mr Elliotts was finished cumming, he tries to sneak out of the room when Mrs Elliotts walked by, she asked what we're you doing in there, and Mr Elliotts Froze could utter no other words than I am sorry honey it just happened. Mrs Elliotts was outraged forgetting her wrongs, She filed for a divorce and got 75% of the assets, Denny was stunned as to what transpired and thought to his self, "Life would be meaningless without Mrs Elliotts Love for Him
© Psycho G