

I wanted out.
Chapter 6

The deal was over he had gotten the land, My birthday was two days time I always look forward for it because it was on Christmas day. The past couple week had been awkward and somewhat fun I've gotten to know the man who had rape me, I had nightmares about it but I found myself stop thinking about it when I started spending alot of time with him. He took me to his Casinos and it was beautiful even the food there was of good quality yes he had all kind of things at his casino. Even day care for his workers who couldn't afford nanny and had to work late at night. He was a big softy inside, not only that he played the piano and saxophone I've never heard such beautiful playing in all my life. Couple times I caught myself in the mirrow with all smiles on my face I look different, more relax I was in love, was it love? I don't know I think I am because everytime he's near me my heart beats fast and I'm speechless and I start to sweat. Whenever he sees me I notice the glitter in his eyes and the smile on his face. He had given me a brand new bmw car and told me I could take all the clothes in the closet, I was free to leave but I felt empty when he said that. Is it wrong to fall in love with a man who had violate me, made me cry and felt weak. There was something diffinately keeping me there. I wanted to stay but I felt ashame it will be two days until my birthday I used that has an excuse and told him once my birthday has passed I will leave.
Her beauty haunts me at night, she had persuaded Stanley to help me out and the old bastard did, the property didn't belong to his friend has I had taught it belong to Stanley. The old man didn't want anyone know that he owned it. My heart is closing in whenever I see her beautiful face. Whenever she's near me my body burns, I've been a ruthless man but I don't want to be like that anymore I've found the woman I want to be my wife, I had hurt her but she forgave me. She'll be turning twenty and I will be turning thirty. I haven't told her my birthday would be the same has hers. My staff have grown fond of her and everyone at my casino admire her they're saying we look so stunning together I really like the sound of that. I have something special for her birthday and I hope that after that she will stay with me.

"Laura your absolutely gorgeous, in that dress." The words from Alexander lips made me shiver all over, " your looking very handsome yourself in that blue velvet Jacket." I was teasing him and he came over and plant a kiss on my cheeks, it was warm and peaceful and I wanted more but I just look up into his eyes and smile. He was taking me out to dinner the day before our birthday, Mary had told me it was his birthday has well and he doesn't like to celebrate it but I plan to make it very special for both of us. I wish he would touch me or kiss me passionately but he kept his hands far away and only his eye did the touching. Then he looked at me I felt like a Queen. I over heard him talking about me to a friend of his, and he said he was in love with me I almost leap for joy. I couldn't believe my ears he was in love with me. Some people might say he's too old for me but I disagree.
"Earth to Laura, what you there thinking about?" Alexander asked. " Sorry about that my mind went far was remember all the bad things that happen to me at Raul," I lied.
Alexander features change has he look at me and then he said, " There's something I have to tell you, they found Raul with his throat cut." I was shocked I know what he did to me was wrong but I didn't hate him, " Do they know who killed him." I asked, " yes one of the prostitute who survive Mafia beating, she had escape after she shot him to death, then went to Raul, the strange part was that he had no body guard with him that night, so she decided that was her chance, she would die trying." This was all too unreal how would Alexander know that's what happen something made no sense, how would she have strength to shot a man after getting so much beaten then go back to Raul and gotten the chance to cut his throat." Alexander I know what your telling me is not the truth, your the one who did it to protect me, you felt bad for what you did and about what may happen to the other girls." He looked at me with eyes wide open, " what gave me away," He asked.
" I over heard you when you were talking about buying Raul business and that you would set the girls free but Raul refuse to let the girls go and his business and you had to find a way to let him, it's a very nobel thing to do, I didn't wish death on him but at least they will be free to do what they want." He reach over to me and kiss me passionately, all I could do was kiss him back is this what love feels like I wouldn't want it to end.
to be continued....
© Keryiann Mcneil