

all my life ...
my mom trained me to be strong and loving ... she taught me to have a heart and charm.
but my dad, he built me to be not only strong but ruthless ... he shaped me not to have a heart nor a soul ...
ofcourse a listened to my mother
I dint want to be Savage and ruthless
I dint want to be like my father ... I wanted to be same like my mother ...
strong and patient ... kind and loving
my mother was perfect ... I was like her for a while and she was proud Everytime I did good, but everything changed one night ... when I witnessed her painful death .
She was stabbed once ... twice ... thrice ... again and again ... I could count no more ...
I was hiding in a closet as she took her last breath the assassin left after she was no more and since then I was no more .... I kept telling myself I was a coward ... of only I listened to dad . I could have what it takes to face the assassin ... if only I was ruthless I would have no fear ... so since then I changed and my father's words were my guide ... since I was ten my father guided me for ten years he molded me. I know I am strong enough to face that bastard who killed my mother ... once I find him I shall kill him with my own arms ...

_to be continued_

© _rollen_