

Wealth and Riches
It's not about having a lot of stuff or having a lot of money to be rich. It all comes down to how you live your life. Come up with a tale to go along with it.

Wealth has a whole different meaning to me. This is the story that changed my whole outlook on life.

Pale green painted walls and Sunflowers in a vase in the middle of the oval old country kitchen table take me back to a time of pure happiness. The house smelled of baking rolls and clean linen . It was my grandmother's house.
I always thought having a mansion or big fancy car would be the meaning of rich or wealthy but little did I know Living in those moments as a child sitting at Grandma's table waiting on her one of a kind pot roast would be the best type of rich.
Years later my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer. I was devastated. She was so tough and brave . She went through rounds and years of kemo and surgeries. Watching her go through that life sucking disease. I then realized what wealth was.
She called me one day before her surgery and told me she thought she heard my young son running and calling her name down the hallway of the hospital . I told her no gram it wasn't him. I thought she was completely loosing her mind. We prayed on the phone together and I told her I will pray for her while she is in surgery and that I loved her. She did well through surgery but had a hard recovery. She was getting sicker and sicker . She was so weak and fragile. She was having the worst stomach pain. We thought that was normal. She did just have a tumor removed.

Weeks Later she had a CT scan. Come to find out the cancer was gone but they had left a medical instrument inside of her stomach. What the hell?? Grandma filed a lawsuit and won a quarter of a million dollars.

Grandma lived for the next 8 years cancer free and she took me to Hawaii. We went ski diving rocky mountain climbing just like the Tim Magraw song. She truly lived like she was dying.

She did get sick again . This time she refused any treatment. She said it was her time and she was ready to go home.
Wealth was her health.
And I would give any amount of riches to just spend one day with her again.