

I'll Still Love Him
"You may be ocean's away but feels so close", take a deep breath and write your thoughts about it in a story.
Sunny days were his favourite,we used to sit on the sand and play loud music...Now sunny mornings I just sit,eyes pierced into the clouds wondering why you disappeared,but my faith is not dead, because" I still feel your smooth touch on my skin,I still hear your voice calling my name".Jane sat on the swing chair in the balcony as she held on to her late husband's photo who was dead and gone,with a smile visible on her face and her dimples showing off her beauty she whispered "You maybe oceans away but feels so close" she took a deep breath "I'll still love you with the broken pieces of my heart". "Don't you think you should try love again? I mean enough of being a creepy sadist,always holding on to the frame of a dead man" Greg, a brother to my husband said to me" he wouldn't want you to stay lonely I bet" he added
" I can never love anyone the way I love him...we made a promise! it's till my hair turn grey" Jane said
Greg who has been trying to woo her,felt discouraged, he'll never have her. "been alone might be too stressful for you, you're still young and you have some desires to be met"
Jane burst into laughter, looked into his eyes and in the most creepy way she said" He is far away but he s till meets my desires...I still hear the spicy scent from his bare skin, I see him when I want to... I'll still love my man no matter how six feet feels so far, when i shut my eyes,I find him standing in front of me"
"Can I get a chance in loving you?" Greg asked
" A chance can only be offered when there is vacancy... there is no room for you in my heart, not even a little space Greg" Jane said as she kept staring at the frame in her arms.