

threatening message
Draven Prentice-CristThere's a local mental health service in Pottsville pa that's nothing but trouble. One of the supervisors there Lynn hanovich (or however you pronounce her damn name) keep spying on me just so l can go off like a loose cannon.
Also back in 2022 an employee of that place; Nicole Harmon succeeded in making me go off like a loose cannon by threatening to shoot me with a lever action rifle.
And it doesn't help that another supervisor (Jason yenten) along with many others support her.even Charles Lester sent me a message after the incident saying: smile fuck face. I always feel threatened when any of them start spying on me. the place is called culture 2 culture; and everyone there (including the peers) are nothing but trouble making delinquents that should be locked away in an out-of-state mental institution. Anyone seeing this post please stay away from them so you don't experience any of that like I do.
© Ny-leeka takia jackson