

A regular summer evening confused to project herself whether to be with the bosomed love of breeze or with the betrayal of humidity. Alike every seeker of comfort I was intend to get the peace of artificiality at my home within the four walls of my room but being the eternal seeker of comforter I am meant to be seeking the comfort rather attaining it!

I often forget this fact of my life, but I must say that the Almighty is very grateful to me to keep reminding me about my purpose of being present on this earth. Hence, as the comfort is constantly snatched from me to encourage me to keep searching for it and remain devoted to the path of Eternal Pursurer!

Leaving the artificial cool breeze of my home I went out to feel which aspect of summer evening is more dominant the love of breeze or the betrayal of humidity and guess!...

What else can one expect in the human world of dominance and control; 'BETRAYAL' absolutely right! but this time I didn't lose out my objective... The Seeker of Comfort! So my tread had her pace. I always priced myself by citing those qualities of mine which are never felt and realused about others except me...

So apart from being the Seeker of Comfort I am Brooder of Thoughts. I keep thinking on any aspect; irrespective of the discrimination of being materialistic or sublime; till it gets the shape of another aspect which has a deep cosmic imapct in the human world. With my objective and citation each tread of mine was quite satisfactory, after exhaustive work day this evening wasn't actually harsh.

The breeze was so smooth that she couldn't bruise the most of delicate feelings of ours but then suddenly I heard a hustle somewhere near the road side drain. Our Municipality knows very well that the lesson of Say No to plastics begins inside the school campus and dies there too! Cleaning the drains choked with plastic though being an annual business; which sued to start before rains, but I couldn't figure out till late when did it ever reach the surreality of completion. And this was one rare Eureka moment of my life when I realised that apart from me there are others too who are The Seekers of Comfort but unlike me they have grabbed that The Thing in their life.

Our Municipality department constructed the drains with such depth which cannot be found in the great piece of writings of classical literature. The hustle which pushed me to this Eureka moment was quiet but as soon as my tread proceed that discomfort again came into action and I being the veteran of keeping every task incomplete (Oops!! missed out to patch my reality beneath rhetorism) actually I meant leaving every important task at cliffhanger, I instantly cancelled wherever I was objectified to reach and turned towards that curious hustle near the drain.

Trust me what I saw and am now going to explain is something must be read very carefully.

The most feeble creature, scared of outer world, definitely hurt by the human world; desperate to open herself but being thrashed every time very brutally whenever she tried, raped for being what she is, hated for being being active in the life, ignored whenever she tried to open realisation and above all inhumanly negligence; lied the Innocent Reality!!

That Reality for which we study to gain knowledge and experience so that we could deal with it, that reality which we demand in our life. But then why the condition of Reality is beyond the definition of being pathetic?

My motherly compassion compelled me the take the hurt Reality with myself at home. If nothing special atleast she will have a sincere ear to listen her.

Her sobbing tore my heart apart, I wanted to ease and please her but how was beyond my capacity. I convinced her to share whatever she felt and after hours and hours of convincing my worth as confidant inspite of being human the hurt, sad, distorted, humiliated Innocent Reality quoted mere a few below mentioned words...

"I am the most devoted and loyal friend of humans, I am built to reflect the fact which is meant to happen under numerous titles and circumstances. I fail to understand...
Why am I a subject to hate?
Why am I ingored ?
What is the problem in keeping me a parallel participant in the course of life?
I am just what I am... You can always change, transform and modify my shape, structure and existence through your own way of living.

My heart wrenched to hear her, I was about to succumb by my guilt when I realised, she needs a space in my home to comfort. I had the perception to nurse her too, but Viola! she didn't need it, a little space of mine and my time healed her. She was strong, beautiful and very eloquent "My Acceptance is the key of Satisfaction"

© Amrita Chandan