

New Boy Old Heart (Part 4)
he asked a question to himself "What i did wrong? are they right about me?"

He was sitting on the footpath and controlling his tears not to fall down from his eyes. He had some thoughts, some questions in his mind and he didn't get any answers for those questions. It happened when somebody you loved leaves you without giving any explanation.

Those were some unanswered questions in everyone's life. Now he was on that phase of his life just one wrong decision and he ruined so many people's life. He had thoughts to committed suicide now, he had thoughts to move on like any other boy, he had thoughts about being single life-long and also other hand his parents was also looking for other girl to marrying him.

With those thoughts also he had questions about his behaviour in that relationship, he had questions about his loyalty, he had questions about his personality, he had questions about himself.

After that rejection he totally lost his consciousness, he was trying to manage everything but his heart was crying every second of the time. He lost him for that girl. He was thinking sitting on that place what he had to do next.

He was asking himself with tears in his eyes "Should i committe suicide? But what was the fault of my family in this? Why should i punish them too? Is she that much worthy? Or i did something wrong?" With these questions he stand up and looking at her nick name sticker on his bike's fuel tank.

Then he decided to figured out answers for those questions. He tried her father's number but he blocked him too. He tried to call her best friend but she didn't picked his call. He finally decided to go to her home on sunday to get his answers.

Wait for next part guys, if you like my story please give some reviews and if you find any error or mistake please let me know through comment i will be glad if you do this for me