

Chapter 2 [waking up in a disaster...]

Oh My God! This headache, why I am feeling so heavy today? which place is this? Where am I? Where is my family? As soon as I opened up my eyes many questions started emerging. I felt like I am in another world. Turning eyes to the other side I saw 10-12 doctors standing and watching me with smiles on their faces.
Holy crap! What are they doing here in a group of dozen? I got a bit nervous.
Finally one of them spoke out, how are you feeling now Smita?
Unable to speak in a normal voice I mumbled, 'I have a headache.'
'Oh Smita, It's quite normal as you had surgery on the right side of your brain', the doctor answered.
Shockingly I attempted to speak, 'What? I had surgery? (As I was unconscious all the time, I was unaware of the surgery)
Now I started to panic. Seeing this, doctors tried to calm me down saying not to worry as everything is fine and you have passed the exam successfully. But I was still nervous.
Suddenly, I started smiling as I noticed my family entering the ICU. My Dad stood next to me.
'Beti Smita, Tell me who am I?', Dad asked praying.
'How can I forget you papa', I answered.
I was asked to recognize him just to assure that I had my memories intact after the surgery (the doctors had told my family that surgery may cause loss of my memory).
'Mumma look over here, my daughters asked with love.
They were holding a card in their hands which were made by my daughters with the help of my sister with a 'Get Well Soon.' message in it.
'It is too lovely my angels' eyes filled with tears I told them and they hugged me, by this hug all my nervousness flew away.
My family was happy, so was I.
But this happiness was short-lived when just in three days I got a paralysis attack all of a sudden. The night when this occurred I felt something strange I was not able to move, the Complete left side of my body was disabled. Doctors visited me and I was again taken to the Emergency. Doctors were already prepared for this because after the Brain Aneurysm surgery, this occurs in almost 95% of humans. I was one among them.
I was not able to balance myself,
My left-hand grip to hold the object got weakened. (It's still similar now)
I almost lost my taste buds and the ability to taste the food.
I was not able to hold my saliva as I was not able to control the left side of my lips.
And many issues occurred.
The journey was tough.
My bed became my home, Eating, Reading, Sponge bathing, toilet, seeing or talking to my visitors, all I used to do was by being in my bed.
For my every activity I required a helping hand. The Girl who was all independent suddenly became completely dependent.
All this was a strange feeling for me, therefore the only desire I wanting for was to stand on my feet and to do my works my-self.
My Routine was all set,
The nurse used to come around 4 am to take blood samples, at around 7 am it was the doctor's turn to examine, along with an evaluation of my blood reports then the daily sponge bath, breakfast, lunch, and again samples, reports. I was fed up with all this. sometimes I just used to stare at the ceiling or sometimes was lost in my memories.
sometimes many visitors, sometimes all alone.
Many times I cried as I wanted to go home, I was badly missing my family, they were not allowed to be with me all the time as I was in ICU.
This was worsening my strength.
Now the only thing going to help me out was to get recover as soon as possible. So I was put into the recovery phase for almost 20days.
Everyone started to put their best to help me to recover.
My husband bought self-help books, comics to read.
I started sketching and making cards for doctors and nurses. (You might be thinking I was paralyzed so how can I do all this, but I was paralyzed by a left portion of my body, not by my mind, the mind was all motivated and my right side was in a movable state so I decided to fight this instead of blaming the situation).
When I started to respond satisfactorily I was permitted to go home but still, I was not healed completely. I was like a new-born baby unable to stand with full potential, still had numbness in my left side of the body.
I was discharged to get recover at home with the closeness of my daughters and family members, which was all needed.
But hurdles were waiting for me, I was unaware of the problems I was going to face in my coming journey and I had to tackle that too.

P.S- Chapter 3 will soon be out and will make you aware of what are the consequences of hemorrhage and how to recover from it. And the problems I face dealing with them and how I overcame the big game of my life.
Stay tuned.
(I divided the story into parts so that It will not be lengthy to read and you will not skip the reading part if it's in parts).

© Sandeep Bhagwat
#WritcoQuote #story #inspiration #mother #writco