

The legend of a book, a manual to life
Hidden in a chest, buried out of sight
The legend clear, this guide had it all
From how to win love, to winning a battle
Translating old script, proved hard to recognise
As people would dig, but never found the prize
Wars over the land, became priority
Each ruler knowing, how valuable it could be
Decades passed, with lands left desolated
The hunt for the manual, dominated
Much blood was shed, many lives perished
Until one day, it was unearthed in a Forrest
Cheers of joy and excitement, echoed around the lands
Those left defeated, held their heads in their hands
For the legend of this manual, would surly bring power
The lands went quiet, believing that they should cower
Revealing a book, with engravings of gold
“The holy grail, the meaning of life” behold
But a secret army, ambushed the site
Spears and arrows, flew from left to right
Dropped to the floor, this now a battle ground
Opposing forces, slaughter those around
Finally the new chief, picks up the bloody book
With a victory cry, he can’t wait to have a look
Turning the pages, all which were blank
He fell to his knees, heart dropped and sank
“So much blood shed, for nothing at all”
“What does this mean” but nobody could talk
Closing the book, he placed it Into the chest
Taken to their elders, those wiser than the rest
The book was examined, all agreed authenticity
All elders concluded, that it’s more like a diary
To record lessons in life, wise words of sage
So they started filling in, a lesson on every page
People patiently waited, having little hope left
While the elders worked hard, all night without rest
True and thorough wisdom, now filled the many pages
The legend fulfilled, by the words of the elders
Every topic was covered, from nature to pain
Even delving into, the totally unexplained
But on that first page, spoke of the dead
Countless lives, that fought to their death
Pointing out, that all sides lost somebody loved
And with war, nobody wins with sacrificial blood