

Stories Below
#music #memories #nostalgia

Whenever I see the the comments below, I see many people telling their own life experiences. Each of the voices among them has a story to tell, reminding them of the memories they had when the music was playing in the background of the bar, when the music was playing during his daughter's wedding, when the music was playing days before he or she died, the music playing before the flatline in the monitors appeared, the music playing because it's his or her favorite, the music playing while he or she takes a break from studying, the music that discovered the love or the friend of his or her life, the music that reminds the journey on the road, the music playing as the airplane departs, the music playing as the sun goes down and many others.
This singular song that binds us altogether even if we are separated by many miles with each other.
The music that we all listened to, the music that kept playing on the radio non-stop, the time where things were different from now, the times where he or she is still there beside you, the times where we smiled with each other, the times where the relationship was still fine, the times where the world was normal, the times where we are having fun, the times where we were still young and many more.
All because of music.

© Renno B. Nel