"And how exactly did that make you feel, Miss Adewaju?" There was a palpable moment of silence that was filled with so much tension, you could almost see it.
And for a while, I felt she wouldn't answer. Then starting with measured words, "Well, I don't know that I felt anything at that point, I guess I was just already numb-you know, from the previous ones, that I simply didn't care anymore…did I even still have a heart at that point? That was the only question on my mind. And I told you before, Adelaide would do. Staring at her for a moment, I could feel a smile coming on to my face and it ended in a light chuckle, this wasn't the first time she had told me to do away with the "depressing formalities" in her own words, but that wasn't going to work for a lot of reasons. Being a Therapist, I had seen a lot of people with diverse kinds of cases that had to be handled in unique ways and with the utmost focus and skill, and through it all, things had to be kept strictly professional. Yeah I know, you'd be surprised how far such minor details can take you down the road to losing your license. Not strictly because there was anything bad in getting on a first name basis, but then again, one thing usually leads to another, and that is dangerous in my line of work for obvious reasons.
"Okay, Miss Adelaide…"
"Just Adelaide" she said in a firm but at the same time, gentle voice. "Pardon me. So Adelaide,...