

The Cottage Fairy And Her Dolls
Chapter 1

- My first friend -

When the angry winds were blowing throughed the thick grasses , something revealed, something big-there's a little cottage stand in the middle of the forest. There, you can see a slim shadow moving with a long black tail. When she walks out the sunshine, you can see and you would stare at her fresh face and long black hair. She is a very quiet woman, never talks or speaks, her mouth is always closed and dry like a desert without water. As she walks out with her coat and her hands rubbing while her breaths landed at her hands. Her cottage is hidden behind the huge trees and lush grasses, no one knows her, she doesn’t know her, too, she has no name. And the woman's heart is also as chill as the weather, no one ever warms her and melts her cold heart.
Every morning, she wakes up with a messy haircut. Combs her hair? That is not the most important thing for her in the morning, she probably doesn't want to waste her precious one hour on that unnecessary haircut. Nobody would see her beauty face and haircut or even say a thing to her, nobody. Only the colorful chicken in front of the window, that's been her clock for a long time.
The days passed one by one, time by time.She doesn’t have to race with the time, because she has no goals and people to love, but her heart does racing with times, and it fails. Finally, she finally looked straight into the mirror. The big mirror shows her long hair, her pretty face and her dry lips. "I am so cold." She said to herself and made a long heavy sign as she spits out all of the frustration. Yes, it is cold, maybe not just for the weather, but her heart, that’s her first time to feel lonely. She doesn't know where to go, go to see someone else, or perhaps go to see a bunch of people, talk to them and hear their voices and laughs. But no one knows her home, she also doesn't know where other people live. “A voice, I just need a single voice.” She self-mumbled again. She looked at the window, stared at those burly hills and trees, colorful flowers and grasses, so many things were out there. SHe began to imagine butterflies flying to her, trees nodding to her, imagined those plants were talking and laughing, their voices filled up the whole forest. A tiny flame began to lit in her heart, so she started making lifes, those lovely lifes.
Since that day she decided to make dolls, her hair always looks smooth and elegant in the mornings. She cut a small section down, combs them slowly and tenderly, washed them with rose and lavender shampoo, then used rubber bands, roped them and made new special braids. For her first doll, she decided to make her a friend. She began to use the sharp pin plugged every side of the cloth. That's a very healing color- snow white and a little light pincesse pink, just like what her skin looks. Turn to the doll’s eyes and lips, the sews become more narrow, her hands are gentle, every time when she plugs the sew in and out with a long sew, just like she walks out from her dull life with delight. The long eyebrows made the doll look more tender, but she thought it still missed something, something can make it look more spiritual. She doesn’t want to make a friend which looks exactly like her. Under the spring rains, the sun shined the drops of water on the cherry blossoms, they’re as shiny as her eyes. She walked out, and picked a couple of those flowers. But her eyes were still twirling, her head was still moving. She can’t wait to see its beautiful eyes. So she casually took her dinner bowl and threw the flowers in, and then used her fist smashing them, her hands still looked good, but her fingers were quite red and full of imprints. The flowers were disfigured, but left with pink color. She wiped the pink around the doll’s eyes, it quickly became a sleep beauty. The pin was moving quickly and fast in her hand, she didn't even know how many pins she inserted. The needle suddenly moved to her palm and the blood appeared instantly. But her hands were still moving at the cloth, her eyes were still like she was a marchin and never stopped working until she finished.
The doll was finally finished, a new life was born on her own slim hand. “ Hi.” She greeted the doll. Then the doll slowly opened her beautiful eyes, their faces were facing each other. Her eyes were full of naive, it is clear to see the difference between the doll and her eyes. The doll standed up, she had a pink skirt with white lace and warm white sewing shoes. “Who’re you?” The doll confused with its cute voice, its voice sounds like a bird singing. “I am the person who just made you.” She repeated. “ You gave me life! Can we be friends?” The doll asked. Finally, she finally heard someone say this to her, she instantly felt cared by someone, she finally can love someone and talks to her forever. "Of course!" She repeated, excitedly.
They chatted and chatted and chatted, their mouths never closed, her lip never dry, they have so many things they want to share with each other, share to their new friend, share to that new life just born on her own hand.
"What's your name?" The doll asked.
She was so happy that even forgets her mysteries. "My name is..." What could she say, tell her she doesn't have a name? Everyone has their own name.
"That's a mystery, I don't have a…." She tried to explain to the doll.
"Mystery! That's a nice name." The doll repeated with her bird voice again.
She wanted to tell her the truth, but she rather than have a name, the name her first friend gave her. And the doll is right, she is a mystery, no one even knows about this woman or sees her.
"What's my name?" The doll asked, again, when mystery still thinking about her beautiful name in her mind.
"Oh! what?" She walked out of her thinking when she answered.
"My name." The doll repeated.
"Hum… How about naggy?" She admitted she's not good at creating beautiful names, but she wished she would never stop talking and chatting to her, just like what nagging people did.
"I like that!" The doll repeated.
"Naggy, Naggy, Naggy...I am the lovely Naggy..." She sang and sang, while walking to the porch.