

Dark Shadow
A dark side of our life, a dark part of our started following our shadow and becomes part of our shadow. As our shadow following us and we follow our shadow in same way the dark side and the part is started following us. Sometimes Darkness of our shadow grabs us and our inner self. Even in day and in presence of sun we feel like night without moon. We are follower of our Shadow and vice versa but when we become follower of our dark side and part then it started accompanying us forever. There is a history, there having many moments in our life with Shadow, Shadow has been evident of our Activities and daily day to day life, we have been spent much of time with our shadow, in dark shadow all becomes dark like dark history, all moments become dark, the spent quality time also has a dark shade which to some extent affect us and our life. We can not avoid Shadow in day time in same way we can not avoid dark energy and dark part and side when we are captured by dark Shadow. Dark Shadow can reduce positive energy of a day radiated towards us, as Shadow existing in day time so the energy of Shadow and the energy of that day are mixed, in case of dark Shadow the energy of day can be negative due to negativity of dark shadow. The existence of Shadow externally throughout our whole life and existence of darkness at internal and deeper level in our life can coexist together due to opposite attraction and being in opposite polarity and surface of life one is in external or outer surface while other in Internal surface. In negative half of life cycle there is existence of darkness so most of time in negative phase of our life dark shadow started consuming us internally at psychological and emotional level as well as externally at physical level. Shadow of negative emotion can be transformed and converted into dark Shadow due to carrying dark energy. The darkness in our reflection can initiate dark shadow. In finding myself, my past self through lens of darkness there may be a Shadow in the past life called as Dark Shadow.

© Arka Samanta