

camp rock final jam: mitchie torres
on a clear sunny day at the camp rock. Chris wears a jean jacket, he is 14 and mitchie torres is 14 also. She wears jean jacket. The camp is loacted in toronto canada. She wears polka dot dress,cropped jean jacket, lace up shoes. And chris wears cropped jean jacket, grey shoe slip on shoes with a black t-shirt. Mitchie torres walks on gthe beach all alone. Chris walks down to beach (nobody at the camp rock). All of a sudden chris runs and jumps on mitchie's back he pushes her forces foward, she turned her head around and with her beautiful purple green eyes. She seeing chris on her back, she lowered her eyebrows. Mitchie is angry she goes angrily and aggressively throws chris off her back. Chris stays on her back like a postage stamp!.