

When I talk to you I feel happy
yYu make me feel like I could have complish anything with you by my side
And I'm very grateful for Writco
Because if it wasn't for Writco I might have never met you
And without you that little empty space inside might have you never been filled
So it's my great honor to say a big huge thank you
And guys don't forget to go check out her page
You areAL my supporters
But this one supporter is Probably the reason why I wake up everyday
Thw rason why I always try to be the best I can
The reason I keep going
The reason I love me for me
The reason I continue doing what I love

Oh and guys I'm really trying to hit a hundred followers by my birthday so if you don't mind by clicking the follow button and mean a bunch to me
© @Kacie-Ann McDermot