

The night was pretty young but the wind howled harshly against the scales of the terrifying demon that roared in the valley. His scales shined in the moonlight and his red eyes were pelting the warriors who fought him with fire. The squad tried to defuse the situation but it seemed out of their hands. Not many were equipped with the techniques to fight the demon who was this strong.

"Cover from the back, I'm going for it's neck!" yelled the sqaud leader.

His squad mates yelled in aprroval and three of them ran behind the beast but the demon was faster than them and launched them across the sky with a swift motion of his tail.

The men cried in agony but stood up with their swords in their hands. They made anothe attemot at attacking the demon but were thrown back again.

Frustration was gnawing at their minds and they were exhausted.

"Captain, We're no longer able to contain the demon! He might move towards the city!" The frontman shoted across the field and others nodded in agreement as they didged attack after attack from the demon.

Their captain who was standing a little away from the battle sighed in defeat and pulled out the communication device. He was hoping he wouldn't have to bother the warrior he must call.

He pressed the button that sent the singal and waited. A roar pulled his attention back to the squad and the beast, everyone was struggling to keep themselves alive.

The squad captain cursed under his breath and picked up his own sword. He charged at the demon with full speed and clutched his blade at an angle that was sure to cut deep into the skin of the demon but at the last possible moment the beast deflected and caught the captain in his claws.

The captain was certain that he was about to be eaten alive but a burst of light came forth from a portal that had opened behind a mere moment ago. The demon grunted in pain and then fell to it's death.

The captain blinked a few moments and then the reality of what just happened settled in. The warrior he had contacted earlier was her. Relief flooded the captian's being as he turned around to look at him and finally came face to face with 'Red card Zera'. The undefeated warrior in the entire country of Obscura.

"Thank you so much, sir Zera." The captain knelt in front of the warrior in gratitude.

"You're very welcome, Squad captain. Stand up. You did a good job at holding the demon at bay. Quite a brave squad you have here. Let's celebrate after you've gotten checked." Zera said good naturedly.

The squad bowed to Zera and cheered.


"And then they all went to party for their victory." The old man said from his big sofa chair and smiled down at his grandson.

"That's so cool!! Zera just came and single handedly defeated the Demon! I want to be just like him!" 5 year old orpheus said with awe in his eyes. He was clearly very impressed by the story his grandfather had now told him for the 10th time.

"I want to grow up and be a warrior too! Just like Zera and my Dad!"

Grandfather laughed, thinking how his now dead son also said things like that.
"Yes, yes. You'll grow up to be just like him. Powerfull and amazing! Right?"

"Yes but Grandpa, Why do they call him Red card Zera?" orpheus tilted his head in question.

Grandpa smiled and answered, "The warriors who have fought and won over a million battles are given the title of Red card. Zera has never lost a single fight, that's why he's called Red card Zera. The man who has lost zero battles."

"That is sooooooooooo Amazing!" You could see the admiration in little orpheus eyes. He was about to say something else but a voice called from outside.

"ORPHEUS! WE'RE GOING TO PLAY BY THE RIVER! COME ON!" orpheus's friends called him.

"Bye Grandpa! I've got to go!" Was all viktor said before running off to be with his friends.

Grandpa shook his head and smiled fondly. He often wondered if he'd be able to cope up with the fact that his grandson wanted to be a warrior. The same profession that his son lost his life to.
© Harsh