

Duty Bound

Whether you like it or not, you have to deal with family, school, or work responsibilities, no matter what! Inscribe some more words and make it an interesting story.

With every task and every chore, the dreamer's spirit longed for more. To break free from the chains that bind, and seek the treasures of the mind.
And as each momnet slipped away, to start another brand new day......

In the bustling city of New York, where skyscrapers scraped the heavens and the hustle never ceased, there lived a young woman named Emma. She was bound by the threads of duty, with an entanglement in the web of family, school, as we as work responsibilities.

Emma's days were a whirlwind of activity. From dawn till dusk, she juggled the demands of her family's expectations, the relentless pressure of her academic studies, and the rigorous demands of her internship with an investment bank. And whether she liked it or not, these responsibilities loomed over her like towering giants, impossible to ignore.

Yet amidst the chaos of her daily life, there was a flicker of rebellion in Emma's heart. She yearned for adventure, for a taste of freedom beyond the confines of her daily obligations. She longed to explore the world, to chase her dreams with abandon, to embrace the unknown.

But reality was unforgiving, and Emma found herself tethered to her responsibilities like a ship anchored to the shore. She watched wistfully as her friends embarked on exciting journeys, while she remained shackled to her various commitments.

However, Emma refused to surrender to despair. With determination blazing in her eyes, she resolved to carve out her own path, to weave her dreams into the fabric of her existence. And so, she embarked on a quest to find balance, to harmonize her obligations with her aspirations.

She studied tirelessly, excelling in her academic pursuits while nurturing her creative passions on the side. She dedicated herself to her family, cherishing every moment spent with them while carving out time for her own pursuits. And in the corporate world, she rose through the ranks, proving that ambition and passion were not mutually exclusive.

As the years passed, Emma's efforts bore fruit. She found fulfillment in her work, joy in her relationships, and solace in her pursuits. And though the road was fraught with challenges and obstacles, she emerged stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever before, with a burning desire, she was able to fulfil a promise to herself.

It wzs during self discovery, where Emma learnt a valuable lesson: that life is not about avoiding responsibilities, but about embracing them wholeheartedly, while never losing sight of one's dreams. And in the end, whether she liked it or not, it was this balance that set her free.


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo