

Chapter 10 Apple Juice
I ran back to the house to tell my mum. She looked mad, but why? "You shouldn't have been running off down roads without even telling me!" she cried. I bit my lip I was so caught up in the moment that I hadn't planned out what to say. I tried to make it sound better but every sentence just got worse. She told me to stay inside while she went to find the ducks. While I waited I went to get a drink of juice as I poured it I watched my sister who was still talking with Lucy. I looked back at my cup, oh no! I had spilt it. I ran to get a cloth to wipe it up. All the juice had spilt and the bottle was empty. I threw the empty bottle in the bin. When mum came back inside Lucy said goodbye and prepared to leave. She opened the fridge and stood there clearly looking for something. "Have you seen my apple juice?" She asked my mum.That apple juice was... hers? Oops.. "I wanted you all to try some!" she said "It's from my farm, top quality! That one was my best bottle." I slipped away down the hallway I couldn't get into anymore trouble! I could tell mum had enough! Her face was drawn and her eyebrows always slanted downwards. I stayed in my room until Lucy left then mum walked in...