Unseen Library - Chapter 7
So, that were two years ago that I said goodbye to Harriet. After leaving her house, I retraced my steps back to the edge of the common and once I knew I was all alone, I fetched out my cell phone and turned the flashlight back on and made my way to the dark shadow that sat in the black of the early morning. Once I reached the stone steps, the door to the library opened and I was greeted with that familiar warm orange glow.
Now, it's just me and this huge library. It's so big, I had to put signs up warning people not to go beyond category 'C' without wearing a good pair of stout shoes, a change of clean underwear and a substantial packed lunch!
So, what has been happening in the library since I became librarian. Well, in the coming pages of this journal I'll tell you my favorite adventures. Let's begin with... My adventures across the Glass Sea!
My adventures to the Glass Sea started when I was downstairs in the Hall of Scribes watching feather quills pirouette over their parchments, inscribing the names of those the library wished to invite to read the books on its shelves. As each invite were completed, a grey clay ball would fall from the brass tubes that were situated above the writing desks. The clay ball came in two halves. The feather quills would lift just enough for the invite to roll...
Now, it's just me and this huge library. It's so big, I had to put signs up warning people not to go beyond category 'C' without wearing a good pair of stout shoes, a change of clean underwear and a substantial packed lunch!
So, what has been happening in the library since I became librarian. Well, in the coming pages of this journal I'll tell you my favorite adventures. Let's begin with... My adventures across the Glass Sea!
My adventures to the Glass Sea started when I was downstairs in the Hall of Scribes watching feather quills pirouette over their parchments, inscribing the names of those the library wished to invite to read the books on its shelves. As each invite were completed, a grey clay ball would fall from the brass tubes that were situated above the writing desks. The clay ball came in two halves. The feather quills would lift just enough for the invite to roll...