

Thoughts Season 1 Part 10
Well, I hope I didn’t make any mistake for not putting into consideration the questions that I had prepared for my best friends but I never asked them…… Honestly, I feel I didn’t make a mistake but….I don’t know….maybe I’m wrong……. Well, let me stop thinking about that but to think and focus on how I can get Chloe’s hair pin from her hair without her realizing it and waking up…… I took the bold step by standing up to get the hair pin off her hair….Well, I successfully got the pin off her hair but unfortunately woke her up mistakenly…..For Chloe strangely looked at me while I innocently looked at her…waiting for what she will either say or do….She stared at me for over two minutes without saying a word….well, I guess she was still trying to figure out if it was a dream or reality….I guess she was still feeling sleepy…… Then She slowly said “dude, what were you doing on me”. I replied “well, what do you think I was doing. Because I don’t think I did anything strange or unusual”. Well, I lied. WHY? Well, because I didn’t want her to know what I was doing just yet…..I don’t want to reveal it all to her until I have found reasonable results. Chloe asked “then what were you doing”. I replied “what was I doing?”. She said “dude, it’s obvious, I’ve got no idea what you were doing to me”. I said “well, Chloe, the reason why you’ve got no idea concerning what happened to you because absolutely nothing happened to you”. Chloe asked “are you sure?”. I replied “of course, I’m sure…come on, chloe, why do you think that I’ll ever lie to you…Have you forgotten that we are besties”. Chloe said “I know we are best friends but I really think that you were trying to do something to me”. As I said in my mind….Oh Chloe….you’re just too sensitive…I barely even touch you but yet you noticed something. Well, honestly, I don’t normally lie…..but I really don’t want Chloe to know about this yet lest I put her life in danger. And I didn’t enjoy lying to her either……. She asked “dude, what did you do to me”. I replied “I did absolutely nothing to you. Oh, chloe, you’ve just got to stop worrying about something that never happened….why don’t you just go back to bed”. Then she panickly said “wait, did you try raping me”. I replied “I can’t believe this. Chloe, how can you think that. Come on, how can you think that I; your bestie would try such a wicked thing. Chloe, you know me better…..You know that I am not capable of doing such a thing”. She said “well, honestly, I know that you’re not capable of doing such a thing. But I’m really convinced that you did something to me”. I replied “well, Chloe, I’m sorry for trying to lie to you but the truth is that, I needed your hair pin, so, I took it”. She said “wait, you took my hair pin without my permission”. I replied “well, I’m really sorry”. She said “let me guess…..you didn’t trust me enough”. I replied” chloe, it is not what you think, I didn’t….”. She interrupted “no, no, no….i get it…you don’t trust me…period…But that’s not fair to me. I hope you know that..”. I replied “yeah, I know that…..but?” She asked “am I your best friend?”. I replied “yeah, of course, you are”. She said “then tell me everything and hide nothing from me”. As I nodded my head as a positive response meaning a YES to her request. Well, I better not be making a mistake…...

© Daydawn