

The Girl Behind This Pen Name
--when in times of sorrow, she'll take the hands of her shadow. Rejuvinating the spirit of her body as her name's a combination of happiness and joy. she is the shelter of her soul in times when she's sinking in her own griefs and disappointments. look, she got the vibes of negativity but she'll cheer herself up--alone. reality may often not too bright but her self alone can make it glow with light. a little shade of her color shows independency, motivation and encouragement. as she sits down in front of her desk, she'll write the emotions piling up, words that will inspire you and will teach you the purpose of her pen, her paper and her feelings. when the tip of her pen reaches the blank pages of her notes, there she write the first ever glowing name of creativity, determination and success. before she lifts up the page, c'sinensis is written. orange--my sweet little self is born again.

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