

Asteroid Hits Earth
"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen. Suddenly, like a train swerved off its rails, mayhem erupted, blowing off like landmines in a desert thronging with immigrants; the line that held the balance of life was thinning out- it was only a matter of time, time we did not have.
Then we realized that it wasn't only the asteroid ferociously heading down, life as it were was. The parks lost their thrills, grocery stores, shopping complexes, jewelry stores, boutiques with the most exquisite wears and wares stayed wide opened, unmanned, no one cared about the bills; stadiums were more quiet than cemeteries. The billionaire playboy wasn't, for the first time, waylaid for his autograph as he jostled in the company of people who were fleeing to where...