

An arch-enemy..
Its a story of a boy named Kelvin Jones.He is smart,handsome any girl could easily fall for him,and only son of his parents.His parents are his pride,he love them and never say or hear any things again them.He has a best friend named Anna,they grew up together,Anna has a crush on Kelvin but he is unaware of her feelings.
And here its comes the first day of college,both Kelvin and Anna are excited and ready to go.In college corrider Kelvin bumped into a girl named Emily.They became friends.He and Anna also made many friends.One day after finishing his class when he moved towards canteen he came across his archenemy named Arthur who pass a cool bold look.They both hate each other the most and continued there enemity since schooling.They can't take each other presence for even a second.Kelvin stopped there gazing at him and with a fist he moved towards him but Anna stopped him and take with her from there.

(While standing still there...)
[[[Arthur-I hate him,hate his family,whenever he comes in front of me,my blood boiled,very soon you and your whole family will pay whatever have done to my family.]]]
(Saying so he hit his fist against the wall and he walked from there).

Here Anna with Kelvin make their way to canteen.Kelvin has a feel of killing like Arthur,he makes a fist that shows his anger and trying to control it and have a flashses from his first meet.

[[[Kelvin- I hate him,I hate him from the day when he put alleged my parents and trying to kill them.How can someone stoop so low,I never let him harm them.]]]

In Activity Classroom-
All student were gathered and waiting for teacher Mr.Smith who will teach them karate.They all were excited because Mr.Smith is famous and best known for his karate techniques.Soon Mr.Smith arrived and gave some ideas and make groups.Anna and Emily,Kelvin and Arthur.Emily never like Anna as a best friend of Kelvin.They fought, Emily won to Anna and smirk evily.Then next comes Kelvin and Arthur.They fought with each other but soon turn it into a serious fight.They news reached to the Kelvin's parents.Darren and Sarah Jones his parents confront his his behavior towards the boy,.They were shocked when they came to know the boy is none other that Arthur James.They knew Arthur parents very well.They all faces a dark past 10 years ago and still suffering through it.Both Darren and Arthur's father Keith James were cops and more like brothers.One day they got to know about powerful ruthless mafia Adam Porter's return to the city and tried to snatch RPD LIQUID,a dangerous one for his own benefit.The agency tried their best to arrest Adam through law but some extend fail.Still Darren and Keith with their lawyer gather some proof against Adam and submit it to court.Adam could let all this happen.So he ordered his men to kill 3 people.His men attack and burn down the house of the lawyer with whole family.This came as alarm for Darren and Keith,so they decided to underground with the whole family.But Darren could not save Auther's parents and he forced to leave from their with Arthur and Adam put the false allegation for murder on him.That's why Arthur believed that they were the reason for his family death.
Listening all this Kelvin became dumbstick,he could imagine Arthur's hatred towards them.He thought to clear the misunderstanding but stopped by Darren because Adam still not behind bars and this may land him in danger.
10 days later students were preparing themselves to fight with the rival team in karate tournament that is going to happen in upcoming months.In those days Kelvin struggle with his mind a lot,he wanted to set things but can't.Anna also aware of the truth,she was him.Kelvin also started to feel for her but avoided.He tried to talk to Arthur but failed.
But the twist was that Mr.Smith is actually Adam.He was very well known about all this and trying to tracing the RPD liquid ,so one day he kidnapped Arthur and Anna when she came to save him.Mr.Smith revealed himself to them but plan was different he accused Darren infront of Arthur and told half truth.This provoke him to the core,Anna tried to stop him but failed.She refused to believed Smith.Without a second he called Kelvin as Smith and told to meet him with his family and RPD Liquid in exchange of his friends.When they reached they were surrounded,Smith ulfff Adam welcome them with a smirk evil smile.But his plans was backfired by Arthur.He change his side because earlier Kelvin tried to told him truth about the fathers and RPD Liquid but he didn't listened yet he came around his father's dairy and some copies of RPD documents nad and the photos.
So the table turns its a well stated plan by the jones.After a lot of commotion and fight and dialoges,he got arrested but also gave a smirk smiled like he'll back.

Ssoooo... For Kelvin his Archenemy became his best friend and his best friend became his girl friend.Overally its a happily lived ever after...

© Ankita Mishra