

The key to the house
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions were presented to me. An old house,on Mayberry Lane,vacant for years,an abandoned shame.
I thought to myself,"Oh what a sight,to see a house would be very nice.."
I walked many blocks to the old house,miles and miles I felt completely lost.
Then I saw this dark wooden house,it looked completely scary,I wasn't sure if I should enter it or turn away.

The wind was blowing harshly and cool,the shutters of the old house would shake,rattle and roll.

I looked up to the window over to the right,I thought I saw a dark shadow standing there,oh what a fright.

I swallowed my pride along with my heart which was beating so rapidly I thought my chest would fall apart.

I walked to the door and I could hear whispers glide through the wind, the door was locked,but should I open and go in?
I grabbed the old key,and put it in the door,and I was ready to see what I've never seen before.

It was a haunted house,full of fright,terrible things that go bump in the night. Creepy crawlers,and spider webs,hung over the ceiling and almost dropped on my head.

It was black as the night inside this doomed house,I could hear growls and howls coming from the top of the stairs,I knew at that moment I did not want to be there.

I could see this huge shawdow,furry and deep,it's snarl was sharp,it's eyes brightened green. I couldn't quite make out what it could be,perhaps a large dog,I wasn't sure so I stood still. I couldn't move. I had no free will.

It bounced from the top of the stairs to below, right in front of me it stood on all fours,growling with drool.

A monster dog. A huge mean beast. It was dark black and hairy,it's fangs were 9 inches. It reeked of dried blood and I knew I was lunch. This thing hasn't eaten since it had the postman for brunch.

I shouldn't run,I thought,"Why bother? This thing is bigger,faster and Its blood ran hotter. " So I slowly turned my back to the werewolf beast,and hoped I had time to retreat.

As I moved it lundged forward and I dare not look,for its mouth was open and I knew pain would ensue.

This all happened from a key that I recieved that one strange and foreboding Saturday evening.

So if any of you ever receive a secret key,put it away and shut your door,and forget about it,I can't say anymore.

For whatever that key may unlock,might hold a monster that will chop off your block.

© dimples5feet3