

Red Lace and Black Magic (chapters 1-2)
© Sean Bingham

Red Lace and Black Magic

Chapter 1: Child Hood

The year is 1786 a young girl no older than nine years old runs down a deserted street in London England late one night. In her hand she clutches a piece of bread that she was able to steal from one of the kitchens closing up for the night. The girl had long black hair and bright green eyes. She wore grey rags that swallowed her small body and shoes that were too small but were ripped and tattered. She ran down a dark alley way looking behind her shoulder. When she noticed that no one was following her and that she got away unseen she realized she suddenly needed to urinate. She went into the shadows and found only what she assumed was a pile of trash. She lifted her tattered rags and squatted. As she began to relieve herself the pile of trash began to talk. “Hey what are you doing!” the pile of trash shouted. The voice was small and feminine much like her own. Surprised the girl jumped back and said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there.” The pile of trash stood up to reveal a girl much the same age as her. She had long curly red hair that could be seen even in the dark. “Did you pee on me!” The red-haired girl shouted. “I’m so sorry please forgive me I thought you were a pile of trash.” The girl in the black hair said. The girl in the black hair was holding the bread behind her back hoping that the red-haired girl hadn’t noticed. The red-haired girl then said, “Well I’m definitely not a pile of trash and besides what’s that you are hiding behind your back?” The girl in the black hair rolled her eyes revealed the bread and said, “Look if I give you some will you shut up about me peeing on you.” The black-haired girl broke off a generous piece and gave it to her and then said, “Name’s Shayla what’s yours?” The red-haired girl with a moth full of bread said, “Elena.” Shayla stuck out her hand and asked, “Friends, yeah?” Elena shook her hand and said, “Yeah friends.” From that moment on Shayla and Elena were inseparable. Elena had one blue eye and one brown eye with long curly bright red hair. She often wore her bangs over her brown eye to conceal her deformity. People often said that she was cursed with the mark of the witch so she learned to hide it. Elena was quiet, shy, and almost invisible at times regardless of her fiery red hair. Shayla on the other hand had long black hair and green passionate eyes. Shayla was very outspoken and always getting into trouble. She always wore red lace even if it was just a small piece tied around her wrist. They made the perfect team Shayla would make a distraction while Elena more than often than not went un noticed and ran off with whatever it was they were trying to steal. They were always together the very definition of best friends forever. They always worked together to get by and never trusted anyone but each other. They were a team. One day after Elena and Shayla had successfully stolen a meat pie from the backer, they were sitting on a roof top watching the sunset and sharing the meat pie when Elena asked while her mouth was full, “Shayla, why do you always have a piece of red lace?” Shayla looked at Elena and then at the small piece of red lace she had tied around her wrist. “Honestly it’s all I can remember about me mum. I don’t remember her face or what she smelled like but this red lace is all I got yeah. Plus, it makes me feel fancy.” Shayla stood up and began to dance around the roof top as if it were a fancy ball room curtsying at invisible people. Elena began to laugh at her spectacle which then caused Shayla to run over and tickle Elena. Many of their nights were filled with dreams of fancy ball rooms and tickle fights. The roof tops were always filled with their laughter.
As the months went by Elena began to display strange gifts and abilities. Sometimes if she concentrated hard enough, she could make objects move on their own, she mainly did it to play tricks on Shayla until she caught on and made her move objects around for her own entertainment. “Oh, come on.” Shayla would say, “Do the thing.” Then Elena would say, “I’m not your toy Shayla.” Then Shayla would say, “Neither am I yours. Now do the black magic thing.” Elena would entertain Shayla by putting on puppet shows that she made from random materials and even sometimes dead animals. Shayla always enjoyed her little puppet shows they were always filled with adventure and romance. Sometimes her puppet shows would last for hours and they would have so much fun together that they would lose track of time as children most often do.
Elena could also see into people’s souls and could always tell if they were lying. One-night Shayla came running up to Elena, “Elena I found this man he says he wants to give us a home.” Shayla grabbed Elena’s hand and led her through the streets to a stagecoach. Where a strange man was waiting for them. Elena stopped dead in her tracks and shouted, “Shayla stop!” She broke her hand free and said, “I see him for what he really is.” Unknown to Shayla, Elena did not see a man she saw a deformed evil creature hiding under the skin of man. The sight was so frightening to her that she stood there and screamed as load as she could making a terrible scene. People began to take notice of the man with the two girls. Shayla not knowing what to do grabbed Elena and disappeared into an ally. She looked at her and asked, “What’s wrong with you?” Elena then said, “That was no man there was a monster under his skin you mustn’t ever go with that man promise me!” Shayla looking confused then said, “Okay, I promise.” Elena began to cry Shayla hugged her and held her close and said, “Don’t worry we’ll always be together.”

Chapter 2: Sisters no more

As the years went on Shayla grew into a beautiful woman, for she was wanted and adored by all men. Shayla used this to her advantage for profit. Men paid very handsomely to bed her for the night. Shayla invested her money in private lessons for her and Elena on manners and how to read and write. She realized that un order for her to get better clientele she needed to be educated. Elena never approved of Shayla’s prostitution but it paid well. Elena on the other hand worked in a sweat shop making shoes. Elena was also very beautiful but because of her shy and cautious demeaner and unattractive grey bland clothing she was often got over looked except by men looking for an easy target. One night as Elena walked home, she passed by a jewelry store where there was a golden heart necklace sitting in the window on display. Elena stared at it and imagined it around Shayla’s neck and how beautiful she would look in it. Elena couldn’t figure out where these feelings were coming from. Over the years she became infatuated with Shayla. Sometimes she would watch as Shayla beaded her customers. Sometimes Elena would touch herself at the sight of it. Just thinking about Shayla was turning her on and making her wet. She bit her lip as she stared at the necklace almost in a trance. She then heard a deep menacing voice say, “Now what’s a poor little thing like you going to do with something like that.” She turned to see who owned the voice and it was a large man with a shaved head and deep scars on his face with a ghostly eye wearing a sailor’s uniform. Most of his teeth were missing and his gums were black. For once the creature she saw before her matched the man. Elena not wanting any trouble she turned to walk away and said, “I bid you good evening.” When she turned to walk away there was another man blocking her path. He was a tall thin man with stringy long hair, he was also missing teeth and had facial features that could only be described as troll like. The tall thin man pulled out a dagger and said, “Now where do you think you are going.” Elena now frightened she turned once again and ran out into the street where there was a third man with long unkept hair and a straggly beard holding a bottle of rum and smelled of death. He pulled out a pistol and said, “Now do as you’re told lass, I got no problem fuckin a dead woman.” Elena went stiff unsure of what to do. Just then the big guy drug her off into one of the dark allies and began to lift up her skirt. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Elena was still a virgin. She felt him inside of her, it hurt, she could feel him forcing himself upon her tearing at her. She became enraged and clawed at the man’s face and when she did somehow her nails burnt his skin like hot iron. The aroma of burnt flesh could be smelt in the air. The man screamed in pain and smacked her to the ground on the wet cobblestone. With a mouth full of blood spitting out a tooth she looked over and noticed an old heavy wooden sign above the man. Elena concentrated on the sign breaking loose its chain. The heavy wooden sign swung like an axe hitting the large man in the head as blood gushed out. The man fell to ground with a thud as his blood poured out into the street. The tall thin troll like man yelled out “Witch!” He disappeared running into the night. The other man with the beard shocked at what he just witnessed was now looking at Elena who was still laying on the wet coble stone. Elena noticed that her hair was no longer in front of her face. The man dropped his bottle of rum it shattered on the empty street. He then said, “The mark of the witch.” He had put his gun back on his belt but was stilled cocked. He went to grab his gun but before he could she concentrated on the trigger pulling the trigger shooting the man in his member as he let out a terrified moan in pain, collapsed on the ground, and slowly bled out on the street. The loud bang from the gun broke through the silent night echoing through the empty streets. Elena got up and ran home she had blood running down her mouth and blood running down her legs. Regardless of what pain she was in she had to run. Elena ran all the way home with tears streaming down her face.
As usual Shayla was with a client. Elena ashamed of what had happened cracked open the door slowly attempting to sneak in. Elena could only see the man’s back side; he seemed the gentlemen type by the quality of his clothing which was pretty typical seeming how she was rather expensive. His hat was hung with his jacket and shirt. He was still wearing his shoes with his pants around his ankles standing at the foot of the bed spanking Shayla as he moved in and out of her. Shayla was completely nude except for some red lace stockings and a red lace ribbon she had around her neck. She never wore the ribbon around wrist anymore always around her neck tied in a bow in the back. Shayla rarely got off from her clients so she always had to fake it. Shayla was thinking about what kind of stew she should make for her and Elena later while making fake moaning sounds while her client thought he was giving her the fuck of her lifetime. When suddenly she saw Elena bloody and crying in the reflection of a mirror as she dashed by. Shayla yelled out “Elena?” Kicking the man off her she got off the bed pushed the man out the door while handing him his shirt, jacket, and hat. With the man surprised he said, “What in God’s name.” Shayla then said, “Free of charge.” Slammed the door in the man’s face and locked it. With his pants still around his ankles he quickly got dressed in the door way and disappeared into the night. Their home was a small hovel with one bed that they shared that was right by the door, Elena always replaced the sheets before she laid in it. They also had a vanity table that sat by the bed. There was a sheet that separated the bed from the kitchen that had one small table with two humble chairs, a small hearth with a caldron. There was also a small wooden wall that separated the bath and toilet. Shayla putting on a gown ran over to Elena who was warming up water for a bath. Seeing that her face was swollen and bloody, her legs and crouch were also bloody. “Elena! What happened to you?” Elena didn’t say anything she just started crying burying her face in Shayla’s chest. Elena didn’t know why but she always liked the way Shayla smelled after being with a client something about her sweat the way she glowed. Shayla drew Elena a bath and bathed her. She cleaned off her face and gently cleaned her vaginal area. No words were said. Elena laid in her bath quietly with her head down crying while Shayla cleaned her up. Elena liked the way the sponge felt against her skin she stopped crying, if she hadn’t felt so violated, she would be very turned on. She looked at Shayla and smiled. Shayla smiled back, and just then Elena began pulling out little droplets of water from the bath making them dance and spin in the air. Shayla knelt beside her staring at what she was doing in wonder and said, “I’ll never understand how you do that.” Elena giggled and said, “Me neither.” Elena then released the water droplets as they all rained back down into the bath. Shayla kissed Elena on the head and said, “Time to get out, you’re starting to get all prunie.” She dried off Elena and slipped her into a gown. She changed the sheets on the bed just how she liked and cuddled with her stroking her beautiful fiery red hair. Shayla was oddly turned on by what she was doing, she liked taking care of her, she loved Elena she liked her ever since they were young girls. She didn’t know how to tell Elena about her feelings so instead she laid there stroking her hair until she was going to get the courage to tell her. After a long silence eventually Elena said, “I killed them.” Shayla sitting up asked, “What? What do you mean you killed them?” Elena turned to look at Shayla and said, “The men who raped me I killed them.” Shayla shocked then asked, “Did anyone see you kill these men?” Elena rolling back over said, “I used my magic, one of them got away.” Shayla running her fingers through Elena’s bright red hair then said, “My sweet Elena, we can only hope that this all just goes away. You need to go to work tomorrow as though nothing has happened.” Shayla bent down and kissed Elena on the cheek. Elena then gently cupped the back of Shayla’s head. She turned her face and kissed her back before Shayla or Elena knew it, they were exchanging kisses. Both of them excited and yet relieved that the other felt the same. They kissed each other passionately exploring each other’s bodies. Shayla knew that Elena felt violated but Elena was not shy about touching Shayla. As they kissed and touched each other Elena took of Shayla’s gown and put her fingers inside her. Elena knew what felt good from touching herself and watching Shayla with her clients over the years. Shayla couldn’t believe how good Elena felt how she was just hitting all the right spots touching her just the right way. It felt good for once that someone was concerned about her pleasure. Elena soon forgot all about what had happened and was lost in the moment with Shayla. As Elena pleasured Shayla, she took off her gown and pulled of Shayla’s red laced stalking and pleasured herself by rubbing against Shayla’s smooth leg. They both embraced each other in passion, Shayla had the most intense orgasm she had ever felt. Elena also had an orgasm, but this was different than any orgasm she had ever had. It was more intense more passionate. After that night Elena and Shayla slowly began to explore their love for one another and made love every chance they got. They never said no to each other they enjoyed each other’s embrace. They were no longer just best friends; they were no longer just sisters now they were lovers two souls intertwined in passion.